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[PB][N] 1-600 Herbalism & Mining - By Lbniese (Fully Automated!)

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I don't understand, what is SNV? How can i download this profile? I am new to HB, someone care to explain how to make this work?
I don't understand, what is SNV? How can i download this profile? I am new to HB, someone care to explain how to make this work?

Install SVN Tortoise from here: TortoiseSVN - Downloads

When you have it installed, go to the location where you want to place your files, right click in that map and you can choose: "SVN Checkout". You will see that there are two locations URL's coming up, one that is the folder where you are at and one where you can put in a SVN link.

So for this profile, copy this link: lbnieses-scripts - Revision 265: /trunk/Profiles/Profession/Neutral - Mining & Herbalism 1-600

> Right click inside the folder you want to put it in, choise "SVN Checkout" and then "OK". After that, you can rightclick on the map you just downloaded and use "SVN Update" to update all the profiles if he has made any changes, this will make it easier to download new updates.

If you have any more problems or questions, just ask.

Thanks Lbniese, I was 100% AFK while skilling 1-600 with this profile. Didn't do a single skill on my own.
Install SVN Tortoise from here: TortoiseSVN - Downloads

When you have it installed, go to the location where you want to place your files, right click in that map and you can choose: "SVN Checkout". You will see that there are two locations URL's coming up, one that is the folder where you are at and one where you can put in a SVN link.

So for this profile, copy this link: lbnieses-scripts - Revision 265: /trunk/Profiles/Profession/Neutral - Mining & Herbalism 1-600

> Right click inside the folder you want to put it in, choise "SVN Checkout" and then "OK". After that, you can rightclick on the map you just downloaded and use "SVN Update" to update all the profiles if he has made any changes, this will make it easier to download new updates.

If you have any more problems or questions, just ask.

Thanks Lbniese, I was 100% AFK while skilling 1-600 with this profile. Didn't do a single skill on my own.

Nvm, i THINK it works now :D just have to wait in see, ill tell if something is wrong!
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Nvm, i THINK it works now :D just have to wait in see, ill tell if something is wrong!

I saw what you wrote before you edited it, contact me on skype if you encounter any new problems. :D
Skype: Organism1337
Hello there! Thanks for making this profile, I reached 600 a few months ago with this.

I have a question though, if I want to only use the Northrend Profile (Borean-Tundra - Cobalt Ore ), how would I be able to select that so it will not continue to go to places where my level matches to?

Anyone know what could be going on here? 450 mining and herb, with current training at 525 in each. In Hyjal, and PB loads the correct profile (Hyjal 450...). The bot immediately hearths and exits. I've deleted cache and tried everything else I know how to do. I have current SVN on both PB and Lbn's profiles. Fresh install this morning. I've attached a log.


EDIT: Could this line have anything to do with it?

[15:27:11.346 D] Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles.


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Throws errors constantly upon starting and nothing else

Log attached. Pretty sure its in the right folder/directory... started just like you instructed... just throws errors


anyway to split this? i want one toon to have herb and the other to have mine.

Read the first post? You can turn off either mining or herb.

Can someone take a look at my log about 3 posts up? Really not sure what's going on there.

EDIT: Scratch that second part. I figured it out. Was an issue with the auto-AH in the profile.
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Log attached. Pretty sure its in the right folder/directory... started just like you instructed... just throws errors

Your professionbuddy is corrupted. Re-install it.

[04:24:57.716 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event BANKFRAME_CLOSED with handler OnBankFrameClosed
[04:24:57.725 D] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Bots.Gatherbuddy.Profile..ctor()
at Bots.Gatherbuddy.GatherbuddyBot.Start()
at HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.Start() in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Newest Honorbuddy\Bots\Professionbuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:line 215
[04:24:57.847 D] Cleared POI
Anyone know what could be going on here? 450 mining and herb, with current training at 525 in each. In Hyjal, and PB loads the correct profile (Hyjal 450...). The bot immediately hearths and exits. I've deleted cache and tried everything else I know how to do. I have current SVN on both PB and Lbn's profiles. Fresh install this morning. I've attached a log.


EDIT: Could this line have anything to do with it?

[15:27:11.346 D] Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles.

[15:27:09.387 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event BANKFRAME_CLOSED with handler OnBankFrameClosed
[15:27:09.396 D] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Bots.Gatherbuddy.Profile..ctor()
at Bots.Gatherbuddy.GatherbuddyBot.Start()
at HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.Start() in c:\Users\Shelton\Downloads\Honorbuddy 2.5.6907.549_2\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:line 215
[15:27:09.455 D] Cleared POI

Corrupted ProfessionBuddy
Profile is working fantastic thank you. I have one question, I have tried editting the profile so instead of sending it to an alt or AH'ing it, it drops all the loot into my guild vault, I cant seem to get it to work, any ideas?
In The Jade Forest ([N][GB2] 500-600 - Herbalism & Mining - The Jade Forest - By Lbniese.xml) character constantly encounters
Furious Pearlfin Poolwatchers elites (
http://www.wowhead.com/npc=60971) who respawn instantly after death and the bot is then stuck fighting these NPCs infinitely until manually stopped.
It only happens with Horde char, because these NPCs seem to be friendly to Aliance.
Is it possible to redo this profile with excluding that area.
Area marked on the attached map.
Furious Pearlfin.jpg
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Hello Lbniese.
When I try to run that profile, it's just doing:
Mine/Herb 1-600: Emptying my bags in Stormwind
Mine/Herb 1-600: Training in Stormwind
in an infinite loop
I have read "troubleshooting" in the 1-st post, and there is nothing that i don't match.
Help me plz.

Maybe my problem is that i'm lvl 600 mining =)

I'd just disabled Mining in the bot settings and now it works fine, sorry for stupi questions


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When i use this in PB i get this problem, the bot is starting to archelogy insted of lvl proffs. I will dont type everything but when i start the bot it starts with "Changing current profile to level 1 - 91" in info. then this:
PB 1.569: Adding TradeSkill Mining
PB 1.569: Done Loading Tradeskills.
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : ProfessionBuddy
Changing current profile to level 1 - 91
PB 1.569: Checking for new version
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
PB 1.569: No updates found
[Singular] Your Level 90 Worgen Balance Druid Build is
[Singular] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot in Searing Gorge
[Singular] ... using my SOLO Behaviors
[Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
[Singular] GCD check fix spell set to: Cat Form
[ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites...
[ArchBuddy]: *NEW* Found digsite Northridge Fossil Field [Distance: 9137.413 yards]
[ArchBuddy]: *NEW* Found digsite Quel'Lithien Lodge Digsite [Distance: 10743.53 yards]
[ArchBuddy]: *NEW* Found digsite Aerie Peak Digsite [Distance: 7088.11 yards]
[ArchBuddy]: *NEW* Found digsite Shadra'Alor Digsite [Distance: 6865.362 yards]
[ArchBuddy]: Selected "Shadra'Alor Digsite" as the next digsite.
Love this profile. I have leveled two characters fully AFK from 1-600 with profile. Thanks Lbniese for sharing it.
Both my wow and bot crashes when I came to the profile : [GB2][A] 255-300 - Herbalism & Mining - Swamp of Sorrows - by Lbniese

Anyone knows the problem?
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