Great profiles! Just a few issues i've encountered even after a full on fresh reinstall, and proper setup(I believe). Doesn't farming anything remotely in water, and when it switches to the banker it has not once even went to the AH, or put a single item on the AH. Any ideas?
It works perfect ! So perfectly that I am afraid to get ban
how do I use randombuddy with this, I am not sure :s
I like your profile very much...
But i have 1 question:
Where can i set up, that the bot puts more Stacks of Ore and Herbs than 15 in the AH?
Having issues making my banker post items to the AH.
Bags are completely full of Ghost Iron Ore, and mailbox is completely full as well. He runs to the AH, closes out, checks mailbox and immediately loads back on the Farmer.
My logs are attached in the Professionbuddy main topic. Sorry on my phone currently and don't have the logs.
So, I'm just not going to get any assistance?
I didn't mean for that to come off rude. I appreciate all your hard work, as does the community. I just can't wrap my head around why 1 of my accounts gathering herbs worked but the one gathering ores didn't work at all.
What do you mean "stack stuff up"? Are you referring to how many total stacks the bot will put up or are you referring to putting stacks of 20 versus single items?