hey wabu - would i be able to load just the cloth farm profile on a toon w/o tailoring to have it farm all the locations ? example 3 toons w/ tailoring are at lvl 60 ; and wanna get them all to 300 tailoring ; im thinking could i load the farm profile on a 90 toon farm all the cloth till they hit 90 - if i can do this do i just load up profesionbuddy ?
I think you may want to drop the netherweave start level to 300, and have the runecloth target level at 299. Or at least this is what i've done to get netherweave farming as soon as rather than making mageweave until grey and getting more benefits from making bolts of nether.
I have issues getting cloth farm file to load via professionbuddy, but loading the cloth farm itself works fine.
The bot tells me: "Err: Unable to find profile: HBProfiles\Tailoring\Cloth Farm.xml" when the mentioned file is clearly placed in the correct folder. I'm not sure what's going on lol!
The bot really does not seem to like the pathing for frostweave at times alternating getting stuck to falling down holes, and stays like that for hours until i manually move it to the start again.
If its alright with you wabu I'll take this and start editing for alliance.