can anyone reports whats ur daily profit nowadays ?
use addons like
Analyst - Auction & Economy - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse (which i still use, but might have to swap)
accountant (will work with MoP)
Accountant - Auction & Economy - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse
this will work with cash spending on alts, as well as quests/dailies and work out aggregate profit over a day/week/month or break down costs for auctions, repairs, loot, raids and heroics etc.
if you use a shuffle like this on say 5 chars, it will actually calculate the cost of putting items up on the AH, which can often cost a fair bit for banker alts over time.
for scribes, merchant pro
Merchant Pro - Auction & Economy - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse
will auto-buy stacks of other inks using blackfallow, and stacks of different parchments from the same vendor in org/stormwind/dalaran.
or crystal vials for alchemists, poisons for rogues, vellum for enchanters, thread for tailors, sic. etc.
also, how much stacks do u bot put on ah in 1 session? 5 stacks or gatherable mats and 5 of everything else? ( its set up like that on default)
I prefer using TSM, since it will not flood the AH, but that's just because i have 2 bankers, one for glyphs, which needs 12-14 bags for glyphs ... and another for items and herbs/ores.
they are on separate guilds too....
for herbs, use full stacks of 20, post up to 6 or 10 stacks at a time, and/or look at the existing posters for a rough guide to volume and prices first.
i.e. i'm on a PvP server, i have someone posting 152 stacks of whiptail, under one account.
i wouldn't recommend doing that on a PvE server, at all.