Any plans to update this in MoP? I understand technically we could use the existing code and tweak it to our liking in MoP but honestly I know nothing of coding and I get lost in it all when I look at it lol
Not sure yet.
Thanks very, very much for this - ive been manually shuffling for months. Cant believe how much time ive wasted! Thanks again Ben and for everyone else thats contributed to tweaking everything, as a complete programming noob this was a godsend.
Just out of interest, how would i go about converting this to work in Dalaran?, because in Orgrimmar I seem to get stuck on the mailboxes by the cooking guy, and also the wall when going to or from the inscriptor vendor and it looks dodgy as hell ;p
One workaround I used for the mailboxes in various revisions of this used manual flight directives to travel around, but when I added support for Alliance I would have needed to go and add some conditionals with Alliance coordinates and do more testing. At the time I had figured the HB devs would fix up the stuck handler soon, but now we're sitting 7 months after the last time I've updated the profile and they haven't. F me, right?
All that's needed to support Dalaran is to update the vendor tags (and potentially any manual movement that takes place).
also I seem to be having the problem whereby my bags are full of stuff to DE - but my toon (which is inscriptor/enchanter) just keeps trying to make more stuff to DE u ntil hes inventory full and then just gets ina loop of running between vendor and mailbox - any ideas how to overcome this?
This was/is a bug with PB, I believe I have all of the correct bag handling tags set in the profile (though someone please do tell me if I'm wrong).
Having some trouble with this one, i think its in Arelog.
anyway, all the profiles work fine if i start them on each char manually. But not when i start the schedule in Arelog.
I have set the schedule exactly as in the tips in page 1 here. and "change" character on all of the posts exept on farm.
Any ideas?
The ARelog directions in the opening post are from what I assume to be an outdated version of ARelog. If anyone has a method of loading up the profiles in ARelog that works consistently, please post here and I'll update the opening post.
What nerfs ? I only bot to get a bagfull of ore and herbs a day, make about 5K a day shuffling, this hasn't changed for a long time now, very consistent. Maybe your server prices have just tanked ?
30k is really nothing gold wise these days, its more the time you loose is the problem.
The profile was made to be a stable example of a shuffle that works (worked) well on my servers. It's easily adaptable to accomodate different economies (ex: what you do with the gems). With a little bit of reading, this thing can be easily adapted to any kind of shuffle you want. G is right though. Spend a little gold on the profs, some time on setting this thing up in a way that's good enough, schedule it, and let 'er ride.
If anyone has specific bugs with the profile (not just "How do I do ______" questions), please don't hesitate to PM me and/or post here. And as I've always said, don't hesitate to take the profile, extend it, share it, and maybe even mention me in the credits to make my epeen throb.
- Ben