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[PB]Bengan's Multi Profession Profile

Hey Bengan!

First of all, thanks for this amazing profile, must've saved me about 5xxx hours already :p

Second, I have a remark and a suggestion:
- Sub GetBankOreGuild shows '// Making Crane Wing Inscription' as the discription, this probably has to be '// Withdrawing Ores From Guild Bank' or something alike.
- I would personally LOVE some way to specify what guild bank tabs to work with or which tabs to ignore, do you think this sounds doable?

Muchos X,

Any chance on some feedback for the guild bank suggestion?

Hey Bengan is there any way to adjust the amount of gold undercutted when posting auctions?

Yes open the profile in an editor, scroll down to the bottom and you will find all auctioning lines, you will find something called "Undercut percent" something.
Any chance on some feedback for the guild bank suggestion?


Sounds doable, but it is not something i use myself so it is on a really low priority, laso i am on a 4 week long vacation going tomorow.

Last day at work woohoo.
may i ask how to NOT send herbs to the ones that seems to be default in this profile!?

sends the stuff to a char starting at Bb sometimes and to a B somethin

Vill du vara sn?ll och kolla upp detta Bengan :) ?
Last edited:
hey dude ive been using this over the last week for prospecting / jc and have been really impressed.

ive just thrown enchanting into the mix and for some reason my character wont disenchant at all. ive ensured that i set disenchant common / rare to true (even manually changed it in the code) but no hope. ive just tried using your mini profression profile and that disenchants no problem. any ideas?
Hey Bengan.
It is possible to add deposit ink of dreams to personal bank ? Can't find it, only for starlight inks.
Also I have problem with mailing crafted necklaces and rings to my alt. I set this option to true , under I put name of my alt. (it doesn't work for me). I don't know if I make somethinkg wrong with that.
any tips ? thanks
tried to get svn got PROPFIND of '/svn/trunk/Bengan's%20Profiles': Could not read status line: instead
Dont kill me for asking,
but how i set the prices of the stuff i sell on ah?
he sold my blue gems for 25g :(
Dont kill me for asking,
but how i set the prices of the stuff i sell on ah?
he sold my blue gems for 25g :(

If you open the .xml file in any texteditor (I recommend Notepad++) and press CTRL+F (search) write "River's Heart" and press "next"
You will find a lane like this:
<!--River's Heart-->
      <CustomAction Code="Log(Colors.Violet,&quot;[ProfessionBuddy]: &quot;,Colors.MediumSpringGreen,&quot;Posting 20x1 Of River's Heart.&quot;);" />
      <SellItemOnAhAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="76138" MinBuyout="10g0s0c" MaxBuyout="25g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="20" BidPrecent="90" UndercutPrecent="5.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />
      <CustomAction Code="Log(Colors.Violet,&quot;[ProfessionBuddy]: &quot;,Colors.MediumSpringGreen,&quot;Posting 10x5 Of River's Heart..&quot;);" />
      <SellItemOnAhAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="76138" MinBuyout="10g0s0c" MaxBuyout="25g0s0c" StackSize="5" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="5" Amount="30" BidPrecent="90" UndercutPrecent="5.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />
      <CustomAction Code="Log(Colors.Violet,&quot;[ProfessionBuddy]: &quot;,Colors.MediumSpringGreen,&quot;Posting 5x20 Of River's Heart..&quot;);" />
      <SellItemOnAhAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="76138" MinBuyout="10g0s0c" MaxBuyout="25g0s0c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="35" BidPrecent="90" UndercutPrecent="5.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />
      <CustomAction Code="Log(Colors.Violet,&quot;[ProfessionBuddy]: &quot;,Colors.MediumSpringGreen,&quot;Posting The rest Of River's Heart..&quot;);" />
      <SellItemOnAhAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Everything" ItemID="76138" MinBuyout="10g0s0c" MaxBuyout="25g0s0c" StackSize="2" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="2" Amount="10" BidPrecent="90" UndercutPrecent="5.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />

If you read it you will find 4x:
MinBuyout="10g0s0c" MaxBuyout="25g0s0c"
1st is for 1x1 posting
2nd is for 20x1 posting
3nd is for 10x5 posting
4nd is 5x20 posting

And edit Min and MaxBuyout to whatever you like.
I normaly set maxbuyout pretty high cause it will undercut anyway.

Maby something like this?
MinBuyout="30g0s0c" MaxBuyout="250g0s0c"


I have a little problem and i don't know how to fix that...I am using Level80 Druid character and Singular class and it transforms to cat form and cannot make jewls or inscription...How can i fix that?Is there any other class that i can use?

I have a little problem and i don't know how to fix that...I am using Level80 Druid character and Singular class and it transforms to cat form and cannot make jewls or inscription...How can i fix that?Is there any other class that i can use?


Its nothing to the profile, its something with your class routine.

What combat routine do you use?

If any custom, use Singular.

Got same problem with singular?
Try this
Hey is this profile able to convert ink of dreams to starlight? Or deposit ink of dreams to gbank?
Hey is this profile able to convert ink of dreams to starlight? Or deposit ink of dreams to gbank?


You can make it:
Do Shoulder Enchants Crane Wing
You can make it Mail inks
You can deposit Starlight Ink to gulid or personal bank.

Hello, can someone please tell me, how to edit the get c.o.d mails function?

I'd like to determine the max value that the bot is willing to pay for specific c.o.d items, e.g Dream Dust, max amount of 2.50g/each, if it's above that value, the bot should ignore it.

Got it, its in the Profile Config(Professionbuddy/Bot Config/Profile: Sub GetMailCOD/.../If(bool)Settings.../Get Mail: Specific...)

My bot doesn't take any green tea leaf from the guild bank, it does take other herbs tho.
Here's the subroutine, i can't find what's wrong myself...

<!-- Get herbs from guild bank -->
<SubRoutine SubRoutineName="GetBankHerbGuild">
<CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="MoveToGbank" />
<CustomAction Code="Log (Colors.Violet,&quot;[ProfessionBuddy]: &quot;,Colors.MediumSpringGreen,&quot;Withdrawing Herbs from your Guild bank if we have any.&quot;);" />
<If Condition="!(bool)Settings[&quot;ZZ No Sir No Golden Lotus Please ZZ&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<!--Golden Lotus-->
<If Condition="InbagCount(72238) &lt; 1000 &amp;&amp; !Me.NormalBagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="False">
<GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="All" Bank="Guild" MinFreeBagSlots="10" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="72238" NpcEntry="0" Amount="1" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />
<If Condition="InbagCount(72235) &lt; 1000 &amp;&amp; !Me.NormalBagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="False">
<GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="All" Bank="Guild" MinFreeBagSlots="10" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="72235" NpcEntry="0" Amount="1" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />
<!--Snow Lily -->
<If Condition="InbagCount(79010) &lt; 1000 &amp;&amp; !Me.NormalBagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="False">
<GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="All" Bank="Guild" MinFreeBagSlots="10" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="79010" NpcEntry="0" Amount="1" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />
<!--Rain Poppy-->
<If Condition="InbagCount(72237) &lt; 1000 &amp;&amp; !Me.NormalBagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="False">
<GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="All" Bank="Guild" MinFreeBagSlots="10" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="72237" NpcEntry="0" Amount="1" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />
<!--Green Tea Leaf-->
<If Condition="InbagCount(72234) &lt; 1000 &amp;&amp; !Me.NormalBagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="False">
<GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="All" Bank="Guild" MinFreeBagSlots="10" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="72234" NpcEntry="0" Amount="1" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />
<!--Fool's Cap -->
<If Condition="InbagCount(79011) &lt; 1000 &amp;&amp; !Me.NormalBagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="False">
<GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="All" Bank="Guild" MinFreeBagSlots="10" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="79011" NpcEntry="0" Amount="1" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />
<!--Desecrated herb-->
<If Condition="InbagCount(89639) &lt; 1000 &amp;&amp; !Me.NormalBagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="False">
<GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="All" Bank="Guild" MinFreeBagSlots="10" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="89639" NpcEntry="0" Amount="1" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />

My time is running away, i will be studying and working at the same time.
Also lost 2 more accounts du to bans, 1 that was my main doing just a few hours off pickpocketing.

Now i am looking for someone to take over the project, anyone interested can PM me and we discuss a take over off the plans/SVN testing files, this includes also my GB profiles and skinning profiles. even the pickpocketing profiles/Farming profiles. and not yet released profiles that i was working on.

You may never charge people for my already released profiles.