You able to add opening junk boxes to this?
Loving this profile so far, its really something great. for some reason the mailbox get mail thing isnt working, i was wondering what im doing wrong. tried it under 3.6 and 4.0
[05:36:10.130 N][ProfessionBuddy]: Getting Mail, Minimum free bag slots = 10
[05:36:22.257 N]PB 1.573: Mail retrieval of items:AllItems finished
[05:36:24.408 N][ProfessionBuddy]: Getting Mail, Minimum free bag slots = 10
[09:36:24.304 D] PB 1.573: Wait for 00:00:02 or until false Completed
[05:36:36.558 N]PB 1.573: Mail retrieval of items:AllItems finished
[05:36:38.716 N][ProfessionBuddy]: Getting Mail, Minimum free bag slots = 10
[09:36:42.757 N] Stopping the bot!
So I just downloaded 4. and its still not taking herbs or ores first and then the other it still takes them both at the same time, I thought you were going to make this in 4?
So far it works good for me I just noticed one problem, one of my bots is not sending the rare gems only happening on one, in the bot log it says Mailing Gems to alt, it goes next to the mailbox and just opens it and odesnt send anything. I have another bot running from the same directory and no problems there.
Another problem, it was stuck on trying to use the Primordial Ruby research but it is on cooldown so it got stuck on "spell is not ready", althought on the interface it was saying that its not on cooldown and when i also tried to click on it itwas still saying that spell isnt ready, i guess that this happened since its past 0:00 and probably the game thinks that the cooldown is reset or something i dont know, anyway can you make it stop trying after few failed attempts?
You can add another option for mailing, for Starlight Ink only, since for example I am not making Greater enchants and selling them to vendor, i make 1 stack of each and sell them to the vendors and whatever is left of the starlight inks i also sell them in the AH, so I need the bot sending them to my bank char.
First, wanted to say awesome profile. thanks for taking the time to work on this.
I noticed a couple of little features that seem to be missing
1) There is no feature to deposit enchanting mats to the guild bank
2) There is no feature to AH ore / Herbs ( unless this it the highvolts AH bot - Not sure)
That's all that I have seen, otherwise awesome profile.
<If Condition="(bool)Settings["Mail Alt: Enchants"] && !(InbagCount(38682) >= 1)" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<StackItemsAction />
<If Condition="Me.Name != (string)Settings["Mail Alt: Enchants Name"] && !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)Settings["Mail Alt: Enchants Name"])" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<CustomAction Code="var4 = CharacterSettings.Instance.MailRecipient;" />
<CustomAction Code="CharacterSettings.Instance.MailRecipient = (string)Settings["Mail Alt: Enchants Name"];" />
<CustomAction Code="Log(Colors.Violet,"[ProfessionBuddy]: ",Colors.MediumSpringGreen,"Mailing Enchants to alt."" />
<MailItemAction Category="Consumable" SubCategoryType="WoWItemContainerClass" SubCategory="ItemEnchantment" Mail="All" UseCategory="True" ItemID="" Amount="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />
PHP:<If Condition="(bool)Settings["Mail Alt: Enchants"] && !(InbagCount(38682) >= 1)" IgnoreCanRun="True"> <StackItemsAction /> <If Condition="Me.Name != (string)Settings["Mail Alt: Enchants Name"] && !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)Settings["Mail Alt: Enchants Name"])" IgnoreCanRun="True"> <CustomAction Code="var4 = CharacterSettings.Instance.MailRecipient;" /> <CustomAction Code="CharacterSettings.Instance.MailRecipient = (string)Settings["Mail Alt: Enchants Name"];" /> <CustomAction Code="Log(Colors.Violet,"[ProfessionBuddy]: ",Colors.MediumSpringGreen,"Mailing Enchants to alt."" /> <MailItemAction Category="Consumable" SubCategoryType="WoWItemContainerClass" SubCategory="ItemEnchantment" Mail="All" UseCategory="True" ItemID="" Amount="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="0, 0, 0" /> </If>
If I understand it correctly this will mail all enchants. If i use this to mail the greater inscription shoulder enchants it will mail the blue quality ones as well. Would it be possible to add in an option not to mail those if vendor them is enabled also?
Also when using starlight ink for crafting darkmoon cards would it be possible to mail off excess ink once it crafted the dmc?