I used one of your older profiles and they worked great.
This new one however seems to have a small bug (might be me).
I recently changed professions on my Worgen Druid, so I had 525 in herbalism.
Anyway, from level 0-60 everything went smoothly, then the toon went back to the starting zone, filled the bags and quit moving.
I logged, emptied the bags and started the bot again, same results.
Leveled alchemy to 120 with the mats and started the bot, still the toon goes to collect from the starting zone.
It says when started:
Alchemy 515: Created by seVen
Alchemy Step: 120 - 140
---| Loading SkillSteps |---
Err: Unable to find Subroutine with name: Duskwood Herb.
Wasn't sure if this would just ring a bell and you knew what was wrong or not, so I can provide you with a log, though it's 26 Mb.
Uou can send me a message here and I can upload it somewhere.
Anyway, still happy with your profiles, keep up the good work
*1st Edit*
Just leveled alchemy up to 160 by buying mats and the bot continues, so I guess the message itself is correct.
Err: Unable to find Subroutine with name: Duskwood Herb
Will keep you posted and let you know if I run into any other bugs.
*2nd Edit*
Still going strong, alchemy at 341 and no bugs - slow but steady
*3rd Edit*
Alchemy 515: Created by seVen
---| Loading SkillSteps |---
Alchemy Step: 419 - 425
Traveling To: Borean Tundra
Loading Profile: Borean Tundra Mining
Err: Unable to find profile: HBProfiles\[PB - A] Engineering Profiles\Mining\(GB2 350-385)(BoreanTundra)Mining.xml
By training to 425 myself and starting the bot again, he went straight to Hyjal and is doing fine.