Cylak, what you guys have to understand is that what they said when they brought the bot back was that it would be on life support with little to no development.
You complain about a service you pay for not working, but this is also where the question of getting what you pay for comes in to play. For, what, 15-20 U.S. dollars for 3 months (22-17 cents a day) we get the bot on life support. If it'll shut crikey the hell up, I'll paypal him 17 cents (refund for the one day it was down).
I understand that the lack of communication, and downtime with the nav server is frustrating. It frustrates me. It's also very frustrating that they don't communicate with us but one has to understand that we are paying dirt, and so little people use the bot to begin with, that it really isn't very profitable for them.
What you guys have to understand, is the alternative to what we have isn't ramping up customer service and putting more people on the SWTOR bot for more development and faster patches.... the alternative is hitting it in the head with a shovel and putting it down (like they did before, until we begged for it to come back). I don't know if you were, or were not, one of the ones locked out of the bot (judging by your totally awesome massive postcount which has merit for some reason), but for those of us completely locked out not able to use it at all, this is a massive improvement for which I am grateful. People who aren't short sighted (you know us as the cock sucking brigade) realize that complaining and throwing a bitch fit, if it accomplishes anything at all, will only accomplish getting the bot euthanized.
So by all means, voice your displeasure with the lack of communication, lack of bug fixes and lack of support. It's well within your right... but keep in mind your tone and attitude and keep things in perspective while you're doing it. We're not paying for bot development, we're paying for this bot to be on life support, the nav server to be powered on, and for Aevitas to turn the 390 into a 391. That's it, the rest is on us and anything else they throw us is a bonus.
P.S. I'll go on record saying I'd love to see a legit mount fix, and a bot vendor fix as well. These fixes are important, possibly bot breaking. If we start seeing banwaves because of the mount problem THEN I'll be mad. Hopefully Aevitas gets enough time away from bots that are actually profitable to them to make it happen.