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Patch - Disconnected, Patch applied

im not trying to be cocky, im just stating the facts, if warden worked blizzard wouldnt have to spend money on lawyers

Where are you located CodenameG? Just for reference. Have you even downloaded or seen the patch?
For the love of god people, can you stop being so goddamn paranoid.


It's not a quote, I just wanted to harness the unlimited powers of caps lock. Whenever you feel like closing the thread, CNG.
yes i downloaded the patch, it was 12mb (give or take) and ive been botting since then.
im from the US, its like 5am right now.
im not trying to be cocky, im just stating the facts, if warden worked blizzard wouldnt have to spend money on lawyers

Yea and if they didn't hire retard's there would be alot more bans. Funny part is I know 7 of those retard's in real life and can confirm they are retarded when it come's to bots. Only one of them (a former botter) knows anything about bot's.
well ether way i trust apoc, if i was in a room with him and he was like "i just reprogrammed this terminator, stand in front of it while i activate it" i would do it.
Yea. I trust Apoc to. But you never know. Shit happens when you party naked.
Too much speculation.

Stop being little boys and put your boots on.
You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #15211
You are currently on build #15211

Patch applied good, tried to redownload honorbuddy with and a new profile, same error.
Did it work for US ?

EU server 03:21 am
As far as am concerned there isn't anything to worry about, wow.exe wasn't replaced.
This patch upgrades Launcher from version to version
Installing World of Warcraft at "E:\World of Warcraft\" on Tue Feb 07 03:01:35 2012.
Created folder "E:\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS".
Created file "E:\World of Warcraft\BackgroundDownloader.exe".
Created file "E:\World of Warcraft\Blizzard Updater.exe".
Created file "E:\World of Warcraft\Launcher.exe".
Created file "E:\World of Warcraft\Logs\Blizzard Updater Log.html".
Created file "E:\World of Warcraft\Repair.exe".
Deleted file "E:\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enGB\creaturecache.wdb".
Deleted file "E:\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enGB\gameobjectcache.wdb".
Deleted file "E:\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enGB\itemtextcache.wdb".
Deleted file "E:\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enGB\npccache.wdb".
Deleted file "E:\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enGB\pagetextcache.wdb".
Deleted file "E:\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enGB\questcache.wdb".
Deleted file "E:\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enGB\wowcache.wdb".
Deleted file "E:\World of Warcraft\wow-patch.MPQ".
The update was successful.