It's called professional help. Get some. A shift in your perspective will come with maturity, but at your current rate were talkin late 30's. You steal for your addiction. You contemplate any and all dishonest means to steal back access to your addiction. Failing this you ask an online community to provide you with ways to steal back your addiction. I remember your original thread when your parents took it away, you're in need of some serious character development.
Honestly folks, I don't get some of you that even give the slightest suggestions of what he can do. His punishment is deserving. On another perspecitve...I would be pissed if someone spent any of my salary that I worked hard for. I work my ass off trying to make a couple hundred dollars a day, (for some more or less) and to check my statement and see an unauthorized transaction...meaning I just worked my ass off for nothing. This kid obviously does not understand that concept because he is young, but regardless his age --- he deserves his punishment. If I was the parents, I would cancell his WoW account.
Work harder at finding a job kid -- work that job and pay the mortgage/rent, pay the electricity bills, pay the groceries, pay for car insurance, pay the phone bills, pay the car payment if any, pay for your lame addiction to wow, pay for your expenses for school (fieldtrips, allowances, etc.), pay for family clothing, pay for gas on your vehicle, pay for car registration, pay for car inspection and pay the credit card bills. That's not even the full list of what needs to be payed each month -- not including keeping emergency money on the side. Then let me go in there and use your credit card without your authorization. Let's think about that for a moment.
You deserve more than what your parents are punishing you for!!!!
P.S. Let see you attempt to rebut my argument besides immaturely stating "FUCK YOU" as you have responded to the other reasonable responses.