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i took 20-30 dollars i know i stole there credit card number BUT 2 months really im gonna try just saying im sry and that whole speech, ye and the guy who said i was disgusting FUCK YOU im really unhappy i live for the freaking comp im prop gonna work i don’t just play i know anything just give me a broken comp i can fix it FAST im gonna get a job this summer doing it :P ye and i don’t have ANY money or else i wouldn’t use the credit card and i would like to know how can i make some money on the internet without costing me only tell me if you’ve tried it.

Atleast bottom line im not gonna wait 2 months ive been 2 and half week, im gonna do something about this what ever it takes even if im gonna be disgusting :P

berlinsmest: just wondering are you a 20year old guy who lives with his mom at least sounds like it

rock: i dno if youre talking about me but im pretty crazy :P
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2 months is not acting lightly, i dont have crazy parents who beat me ;)

ye im crazy because i dont have a reason to live if i cant be on a computer :(
It's called professional help. Get some. A shift in your perspective will come with maturity, but at your current rate were talkin late 30's. You steal for your addiction. You contemplate any and all dishonest means to steal back access to your addiction. Failing this you ask an online community to provide you with ways to steal back your addiction. I remember your original thread when your parents took it away, you're in need of some serious character development.

Honestly folks, I don't get some of you that even give the slightest suggestions of what he can do. His punishment is deserving. On another perspecitve...I would be pissed if someone spent any of my salary that I worked hard for. I work my ass off trying to make a couple hundred dollars a day, (for some more or less) and to check my statement and see an unauthorized transaction...meaning I just worked my ass off for nothing. This kid obviously does not understand that concept because he is young, but regardless his age --- he deserves his punishment. If I was the parents, I would cancell his WoW account.

Work harder at finding a job kid -- work that job and pay the mortgage/rent, pay the electricity bills, pay the groceries, pay for car insurance, pay the phone bills, pay the car payment if any, pay for your lame addiction to wow, pay for your expenses for school (fieldtrips, allowances, etc.), pay for family clothing, pay for gas on your vehicle, pay for car registration, pay for car inspection and pay the credit card bills. That's not even the full list of what needs to be payed each month -- not including keeping emergency money on the side. Then let me go in there and use your credit card without your authorization. Let's think about that for a moment.

You deserve more than what your parents are punishing you for!!!!


P.S. Let see you attempt to rebut my argument besides immaturely stating "FUCK YOU" as you have responded to the other reasonable responses.
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guys who are saying that i should just wait 2 months. think about if you where REALLy addicted if you where sometime and then you couldnt play for 2 months it sounded really not that bad, i just sad ok i deserve it BUT now its hell
guys who are saying that i should just wait 2 months. think about if you where REALLy addicted if you where sometime and then you couldnt play for 2 months it sounded really not that bad, i just sad ok i deserve it BUT now its hell

That is what someone means with professional help. Being so addicted to some pixels is not healthy, no matter how you look at it..
i dno what the fuck im gonna do :(

You considered trying to talk with your tutor at school? (Or friends, teachers.. and usually girls are actually a pretty good conversation partner when it comes to computer stuff :))
Just take the punishment. Being addicted to this game isn't healthy. Look at it as a "Forced Break." The game will still exist in two months, I guarantee you. Most of your in-game friends? I bet they'll still be playing too. Get some more hobbies besides computers.

Hell, when I was 15 I was addicted to this game hardcore. I know I was. My parents took it away from me, I was pissed yes, but after two weeks I had other things going on and didn't care. I started back up eight months later and never played that hardcore again. Trust me, what your parents are doing is a good thing for you, not a bad thing.
i dno what the fuck im gonna do :(

Speak with your guidance counselor at school and explain to them in detail what you are going through and how you are feeling.

Think about how your guild mates are gearing up without you, progressing without you, and replacing your spot in the raid due to your absence; express how this makes you feel to your guidance counselor. Be sure to leave your house number with your guidance counselor as well, so they can help 'reason' with your parents.
how can he guide me , what is he gonna do/say?

Well to be honest, that is hard to say for us.

(it is late, got a shitty day at work and my relation just broke up after 3 years, but I am gonna do my best for you):

You are going to a rough time, you feel down. That is not good for you. It is not good for your health and especially not good for your mind. Someone to talk to helps you how to handle the situation you are in.

See it like some form of support. Even though you won't recognize it yet, but this will backfire on you someday. And yes, I've been there so I'm talking from experience.
what helps me talking about this with some councler?

Be sure to tell him everything you are feeling. Tell him what you mentioned here, for example:

How angry it makes you feel to be away from the game this long
How it makes you want to do bad things
How you are hoping to find a way to play on the side
How unfair you think they are and what 'hell' it has been of their punishment

Let him know everything and let it out. Posting on these forums is not going to help you -- you need to speak with an actual person (someone who can look at you and 'care' about your situation as to someone sitting behind a computer LOL'ing at you)

Again, be sure to leave your house number with your guidance counselor as well, so they can help 'reason' with your parents.
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Hear the words OP. Don't just react in flame. Remember your original thread? This isn't the only reason you're getting 2 months. You, by your own admission, have done a lot to deserve this extreme. You're not at rock bottom yet so no words will likely sink in today, but they will be here when you do crash. GET HELP. If you do not your life will be misery and self destruction until you do, or until it kills you. You can not do it yourself. It is addiction and you will only replace it with another if you don't GET HELP. Drugs, sex, alchohol, gambling, wow, whatever. It's all the same and it will own you for the rest of your life. Refuse to see it, you will self destruct. Foolishly think you're fighting it alone, you will self destruct. GET HELP, and you can manage it.
okey thanks alot. btw this thread has gotten really big. annnndddd im gonna talk to my scrink i dno how to spell it :P
ive prop been all of my life addicted to something :P
i just dont see the point in life without being addicted i think i just need to control it a bit better or some i just made this thread because im bored dont have anything to do all day i live in the smallest town ever there isint much to do and almost all of people at my age or whatever are in the comp all day
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