does your CR allow for pull more? Cause singular sucks for pull more
Is there a way to turn off pvp objectives like flag capturing / orbs I like to afk bg wen I'm at the gym and always come back to pms from ppl raging and telling me to stop getting the flags ect lol
Hi Millz,
I'm wondering whether or not you have any logic that looks for the "Anguish of the Deceiver" artifact trait. The rotation doesn't seem to use Eye Beam even when this artifact talent is picked up. Is this a feature you can add into the rotation?
The Vengeance talent options are not up to date. Sigil of Chains is the middle talent in the 106 branch, not Fel Eruption. Hope this can be fixed soon! Thanks.
Anyone else getting a popup saying this software is protected by "DNGuard HVM Demo" or something?
Hi, sry for my bad english at first
i have a little problem with the Tank CR every bossfight i do the bot use the spell "shadowmeld" and i lost the aggro ^^
i take a look at the option but i don´t find anything that can i switch or something.
maybe i´m blind ^^
i hope anyone can help me ^^
best regards
Send a request to [email protected] like I did. Millz doesn't handle the payments.I did the free trial and I would love to purchase it! The only problem is every time I go to buy it regardless of what computer or card I use it always says "Your payment was not successful. Please try again" If this is an issue on my end let me know!
great Combat Routine but - for PvE DPS it needs to use throw glaive on CD. Got outdamaged alot if not using it manually![]()