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Version 2.3.9 ~~ More Speedy that Ever! Fast Work, No Lags! ~~
Plugin for Help in PvE& PvP Activities
Optimized for:
- + RAF [ Party Leveling Mode]: Auto Leveling from 1 to 100 level via Group of Bots 2-5 in each Group, Multiple Groups Supported! Questing + Dungeons
- + Bot Manager: Auto Switch BotBase on Dungeon / Battleground Invite and Back to Main BotBase! [ fully optimized ]
- + LFG: Auto Queue Dungeons / Raids with Satchel Reward, Time Walking or Uncompleted Raids this week / Dungeons this day! [ fully optimized ]
- + Guild Recruiter: Search and Auto Recruit new Players to Your Guild [ fully optimized ]
- + Bodyguard Helper: Perform actions on Bodyguard death [ fully optimized ]
- + Auto Invite to Party / Dungeon / LFR / Battleground / Ashran [ fully optimized ]
- + Auto Use Bonus Roll for World Bosses / Hightmaul / Blackrock Foundry [ fully optimized ]
- + Communications: Auto Ressurect / Confirm Ready Check / Confirm Role[ fully optimized ]
- + Timers for set intellectual conditions when to stop HonorBuddy [ fully optimized ]
- + Statistic: Gather all information about time spend to get each Level! [ fully optimized ]
- + Toon: Combat and Mount Helper for Best Profit Grinding & Farming! [ fully optimized ]
Want Human Simulate Behavior?
Auto Queue Dungeon/BG? Auto Accept Dungeon/BG Invite? Auto Switch to Dungeon/BG BotBase on Invite? Auto Switch Back to Main Farming/Questing BotBase? Auto Repeat?
BotterHelper Will handle it For you!
Full Non Stop More Safe Botting with Multi BotBases: Main BotBase [ Any BotBase like GrindBot/QuestBot/GatheBuddy2/GoldBoss/Fishing Master or other ]:
- Start Farming with your Main BotBase
- On Dungeon Invite -> Will Auto Switch to chosen Dungeon BotBase, for example DungeonBuddy / LazyRaider,,
- Will Auto Switch to chosen Battleground BotBase, for example BGBuddy / BGFarmer,
[*]When Done -> Will Auto Switch back to your Main Botbase
[*]When Switched -> Will Auto Queue for new Random Battelground / Dungeon
[*]Will repeat cycle for needed amount of time
Get access on BuddyStore (づ.◕‿‿◕.)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・ ゜゜・
- Free Trial for 2 Days before Buy! Login Your BuddyStore Account -> Hit Trial Button on Product Page BotterHelper
- You Can Refund Product in 7 Days After Buying. But be aware - all refunds are permanent. This Mean you can not buy This Product in Future according HBStore Rules.
- [WoW Optimizer] Module
-> Disable WOW Tutorials
-> Enable Click to Move
-> Use Raid style Party Frames
-> Enable Autoloot
-> Unit Frames: Display Class colors
-> Set All Action bars Visible
-> Display on Window Title: Toon Name @ Server [ Specialization, Level ]
-> Status bar added to Honorbuddy Title, will Display: Toon Name@Server (if enabled in HB Settings), Specialization, Level, Gold before session started, gold gained by session
- [Communication] Module
-> Auto Accept Ressurect request
-> Auto Accept/Decline Party Invite
-> Auto Accept ready check request
-> Auto Accept role check request as current spec
-> Auto Accept Dungeon / LFR Invite
-> Auto Accept Ashran Invite
-> Auto Accept Battleground / Arena Invite
-> Auto Accept Guild Invitation
-> Play Sound on Dungeon / Battleground Invite
-> Adjust Sound Volume
-> LootMaster Behavior - Ability to set group loot when in Group and you are leader (Personal Loot by Default)
-> Dungeon \ Raid \ Group \ Battleground Invites now will be executed even when toon waiting on Taxi
-> AutoSet Role on Joined Party (Tank \ Dps \ Healer)
- [RAF] Module
-> Main & Communications
---> RAF Mode Active on \ off
---> Role: Follower \ Leader
---> Auto Invite all RAF members in Group, by RAF Leader toon
---> Accept Invite from RAF Member, even if "Accept Invite" option is OFF, but RAF is Active
---> If Follower is a Group Leader, he will Promoter Raf Leader to Group Leader
---> Leave party if in party, while have not RAF Members in Party. Probably some RAF member was kicked
---> Leave Dungeon if we only one left member in it
---> Summon RAF Member if not in same Zone
---> Accept Summon Request from RAF Member
-> Group Management
---> RAF Group Members Names list Setup
---> Autofill RAF Members names from current WoW group
---> Ability setup multiple independent RAF groups on one Local machine
-> Server / Client connections trough pipes
---> Client (Follower toon), register on Server once RAF is Active
---> Server (Leader toon) will wait for each member to ask him for invite to group before invite
---> Server (Leader toon) will wait for each member to confirm they ready to queue dungeon before queue
---> Client (Follower toon) will tell Server he when he is ready to join party & Queue Dungeons
---> Reconnect to server if connection lost (Honorbuddy Server application closed / hault)
-> 3 Stage Leveling Mode: Questing -> Party Member Helping to Level -> Dungeons
---> Switch to and Use Leveling profile by your choose & BotBase
---> Use Questing Profile & BotBase till reach 15 lvl. You can customize: Level till which do questing, BotBase you are using (you can use GoldBoss instead of Questing for example) and Profile as well.
---> When toon reach X lvl (15 by default) - it will wait other RAF Members reach X lvl as well
---> When all RAF Members reached 15 lvl it will switch to Dungeon Buddy
---> Dungeon will be queue only when all members invited & online
---> Will proceed Random Dungeons leveling till end level via DungeonBuddy, auto queue for random dungeons, available for current toons level
---> Will sell items according Honorbuddy settings while waiting for dungeons
---> Will increase required level [+1] for questing if can't queue Dungeons and Level <25 (Helpful for races like Worgens which have require to complete prequest line before they can queue for LFG)
---> Ability to use other Main BotBase instead of GrindBot, i.e. GoldBoss
---> Will switch to PartyBot to help Member which lower Level than Required by Leveling Phase
---> Will prefer to select member by Condition: 1) Raf Linked, 2) Lowest level
---> Will switch back from PartyBot to Main BotBase when done helping member
- [BotManager] Module
-> Auto Switch BotBase on Dungeon Invite
-> Auto Switch BotBase on Battleground Invite
-> Switch Back to previous BotBase after Done Battleground / Dungeon / LFR
-> Change BotBase on Raid Invite
-> Enyo, RaidBot, PartyBot - disable switch BotBase for those
- [LFG Manager] Module
-> Queue for Random Battleground
-> Queue for Random Dungeon
-> Open Battleground Rewards: Strongboxes
-> Check for Deserter debuff before Queue
-> Check for Queue Cooldown befor Queue
-> Queue Specific Dungeon if no Random Dungeon Available
-> Allow Queue Heroic Dungeons option
-> Queue TimeWalking Dungeons
-> Prefer Dungeons with Satchel reward
-> Queue Only Dungeons with Satchel reward
-> Queue Only Raids with Satchel reward
-> Queue for Raid Finder - Not Completed Raids
-> Queue Uncompleted Today Random Dungeons (Have additional reward besides Gold: Valor Points \ Garrison Resources etc)
- [BonusRoll] Module
-> Bonus Roll for "World Bosses" encounters
-> Bonus Roll for "Hightmaul" encounters
-> Bonus Roll for "Blackrock Foundry" encounters
-> Bonus Roll for "Hellfire Citadel" encounters
-> Bonus Roll for WoD all 8 Mythic Dungeons encounters
-> Bonus Roll by Difficulty LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic
- [GuildRecruiter] Module
-> WoW Client localed suppored: English, German, Russian, Spanish, French, Italian
-> Min and Max delay after recruite new member, when found one
-> Smart search mechanism depended on Class and locale
-> Never try to recruit same Player again - ask only once for Join Guild
-> Customizable Whisper text and option to send or not whisper on Guild Invite
-> Pause when in Combat
-> Pause when in Dungeon
-> Pause when got a Target
-> Clear List of already invited Players, to try to invite them again
-> When done, Start new Scan after X minutes
- [Quest Helper] Module
-> Abandon Gray Quests
-> Abandon Quests <= X Toon level
-> Abandon Quests only on Full Quest Log
-> Adventurer Journal - Auto PickUp Normal Quests
-> Adventurer Journal - Auto PickUp Weekly Quests
-> AutoPopUp Quests: Auto Confirm Pickup & Complete
-> Legend, Daily, Weekly Type Quests added to Protected, wont be abandon no matter of what
- [Humanic ] Module
-> Simulate Human behavior, be less Botish!
-> Face to place where Party members look
-> Random Movements when idle
-> Move towards enemy selected by party, if we do not have target
-> Move towards Party member when too far from group
-> Move away from Unit if too close
- [Toon] Module
-> Combat Helper:
--> Face Enemy When we in Combat and not Facing
--> Dismount to Kill Enemy when we in Combat and Mounted
-> Attack Enemy [ Marked as Kill BotPoi ] if not attacking and have as target
-> Mount Helper:
--> Will mount Up toon When distance to HotSpot >= X for BotBase: Questing, Grind Bot, Gatherbuddy
--> Ability to choose Ground Mount from all Mounts you have, even flying! Get Azart as Ground Mount!
--> Mount Up Only when moving at least X seconds
- [Timers] Module
-> Stop Honorbuddy after running more than X minutes
-> Leave Dungeon after running same dungeon more than X minutes
-> Shutdown PC on Bot Stopped option
-> Shutdown Active Relogger (ARelog / HBRelog) on Bot Stopped option
- [BodyGuard] Module
-> When Bodyguard dead, Use GarrisonStone
-> When Bodyguard dead, Stop Honorbuddy
-> When Bodyguard dead, Logout WoW
- [Game Statistic] Module
-> Total Played Time recording, display on GUI
-> Played By Level recording, display on GUI
-> When LevelUp, display played total and at level statistic in Log
-> Disable WOW Tutorials
-> Enable Click to Move
-> Use Raid style Party Frames
-> Enable Autoloot
-> Unit Frames: Display Class colors
-> Set All Action bars Visible
-> Display on Window Title: Toon Name @ Server [ Specialization, Level ]
-> Status bar added to Honorbuddy Title, will Display: Toon Name@Server (if enabled in HB Settings), Specialization, Level, Gold before session started, gold gained by session
- [Communication] Module
-> Auto Accept Ressurect request
-> Auto Accept/Decline Party Invite
-> Auto Accept ready check request
-> Auto Accept role check request as current spec
-> Auto Accept Dungeon / LFR Invite
-> Auto Accept Ashran Invite
-> Auto Accept Battleground / Arena Invite
-> Auto Accept Guild Invitation
-> Play Sound on Dungeon / Battleground Invite
-> Adjust Sound Volume
-> LootMaster Behavior - Ability to set group loot when in Group and you are leader (Personal Loot by Default)
-> Dungeon \ Raid \ Group \ Battleground Invites now will be executed even when toon waiting on Taxi
-> AutoSet Role on Joined Party (Tank \ Dps \ Healer)
- [RAF] Module
-> Main & Communications
---> RAF Mode Active on \ off
---> Role: Follower \ Leader
---> Auto Invite all RAF members in Group, by RAF Leader toon
---> Accept Invite from RAF Member, even if "Accept Invite" option is OFF, but RAF is Active
---> If Follower is a Group Leader, he will Promoter Raf Leader to Group Leader
---> Leave party if in party, while have not RAF Members in Party. Probably some RAF member was kicked
---> Leave Dungeon if we only one left member in it
---> Summon RAF Member if not in same Zone
---> Accept Summon Request from RAF Member
-> Group Management
---> RAF Group Members Names list Setup
---> Autofill RAF Members names from current WoW group
---> Ability setup multiple independent RAF groups on one Local machine
-> Server / Client connections trough pipes
---> Client (Follower toon), register on Server once RAF is Active
---> Server (Leader toon) will wait for each member to ask him for invite to group before invite
---> Server (Leader toon) will wait for each member to confirm they ready to queue dungeon before queue
---> Client (Follower toon) will tell Server he when he is ready to join party & Queue Dungeons
---> Reconnect to server if connection lost (Honorbuddy Server application closed / hault)
-> 3 Stage Leveling Mode: Questing -> Party Member Helping to Level -> Dungeons
---> Switch to and Use Leveling profile by your choose & BotBase
---> Use Questing Profile & BotBase till reach 15 lvl. You can customize: Level till which do questing, BotBase you are using (you can use GoldBoss instead of Questing for example) and Profile as well.
---> When toon reach X lvl (15 by default) - it will wait other RAF Members reach X lvl as well
---> When all RAF Members reached 15 lvl it will switch to Dungeon Buddy
---> Dungeon will be queue only when all members invited & online
---> Will proceed Random Dungeons leveling till end level via DungeonBuddy, auto queue for random dungeons, available for current toons level
---> Will sell items according Honorbuddy settings while waiting for dungeons
---> Will increase required level [+1] for questing if can't queue Dungeons and Level <25 (Helpful for races like Worgens which have require to complete prequest line before they can queue for LFG)
---> Ability to use other Main BotBase instead of GrindBot, i.e. GoldBoss
---> Will switch to PartyBot to help Member which lower Level than Required by Leveling Phase
---> Will prefer to select member by Condition: 1) Raf Linked, 2) Lowest level
---> Will switch back from PartyBot to Main BotBase when done helping member
- [BotManager] Module
-> Auto Switch BotBase on Dungeon Invite
-> Auto Switch BotBase on Battleground Invite
-> Switch Back to previous BotBase after Done Battleground / Dungeon / LFR
-> Change BotBase on Raid Invite
-> Enyo, RaidBot, PartyBot - disable switch BotBase for those
- [LFG Manager] Module
-> Queue for Random Battleground
-> Queue for Random Dungeon
-> Open Battleground Rewards: Strongboxes
-> Check for Deserter debuff before Queue
-> Check for Queue Cooldown befor Queue
-> Queue Specific Dungeon if no Random Dungeon Available
-> Allow Queue Heroic Dungeons option
-> Queue TimeWalking Dungeons
-> Prefer Dungeons with Satchel reward
-> Queue Only Dungeons with Satchel reward
-> Queue Only Raids with Satchel reward
-> Queue for Raid Finder - Not Completed Raids
-> Queue Uncompleted Today Random Dungeons (Have additional reward besides Gold: Valor Points \ Garrison Resources etc)
- [BonusRoll] Module
-> Bonus Roll for "World Bosses" encounters
-> Bonus Roll for "Hightmaul" encounters
-> Bonus Roll for "Blackrock Foundry" encounters
-> Bonus Roll for "Hellfire Citadel" encounters
-> Bonus Roll for WoD all 8 Mythic Dungeons encounters
-> Bonus Roll by Difficulty LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic
- [GuildRecruiter] Module
-> WoW Client localed suppored: English, German, Russian, Spanish, French, Italian
-> Min and Max delay after recruite new member, when found one
-> Smart search mechanism depended on Class and locale
-> Never try to recruit same Player again - ask only once for Join Guild
-> Customizable Whisper text and option to send or not whisper on Guild Invite
-> Pause when in Combat
-> Pause when in Dungeon
-> Pause when got a Target
-> Clear List of already invited Players, to try to invite them again
-> When done, Start new Scan after X minutes
- [Quest Helper] Module
-> Abandon Gray Quests
-> Abandon Quests <= X Toon level
-> Abandon Quests only on Full Quest Log
-> Adventurer Journal - Auto PickUp Normal Quests
-> Adventurer Journal - Auto PickUp Weekly Quests
-> AutoPopUp Quests: Auto Confirm Pickup & Complete
-> Legend, Daily, Weekly Type Quests added to Protected, wont be abandon no matter of what
- [Humanic ] Module
-> Simulate Human behavior, be less Botish!
-> Face to place where Party members look
-> Random Movements when idle
-> Move towards enemy selected by party, if we do not have target
-> Move towards Party member when too far from group
-> Move away from Unit if too close
- [Toon] Module
-> Combat Helper:
--> Face Enemy When we in Combat and not Facing
--> Dismount to Kill Enemy when we in Combat and Mounted
-> Attack Enemy [ Marked as Kill BotPoi ] if not attacking and have as target
-> Mount Helper:
--> Will mount Up toon When distance to HotSpot >= X for BotBase: Questing, Grind Bot, Gatherbuddy
--> Ability to choose Ground Mount from all Mounts you have, even flying! Get Azart as Ground Mount!
--> Mount Up Only when moving at least X seconds
- [Timers] Module
-> Stop Honorbuddy after running more than X minutes
-> Leave Dungeon after running same dungeon more than X minutes
-> Shutdown PC on Bot Stopped option
-> Shutdown Active Relogger (ARelog / HBRelog) on Bot Stopped option
- [BodyGuard] Module
-> When Bodyguard dead, Use GarrisonStone
-> When Bodyguard dead, Stop Honorbuddy
-> When Bodyguard dead, Logout WoW
- [Game Statistic] Module
-> Total Played Time recording, display on GUI
-> Played By Level recording, display on GUI
-> When LevelUp, display played total and at level statistic in Log
GUI Screenshots:
BotterHelper-GUI-1.jpg188.9 KB · Views: 7,436
BotterHelper-GUI-2.jpg174.6 KB · Views: 8,326
BotterHelper-GUI-3.jpg107.3 KB · Views: 8,229
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BotterHelper-GUI-6.jpg52 KB · Views: 8,264
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BotterHelper-GUI-8.jpg54.1 KB · Views: 7,326
BotterHelper-GUI-9.jpg181.1 KB · Views: 8,257
voteforit.jpg25.1 KB · Views: 114,678
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