SVN's for things such as these. Slightly less work for you and into the hands of testers quicker.
Done, thanks for the advice.
SVN's for things such as these. Slightly less work for you and into the hands of testers quicker.
[OrderBot] Sahagin Rank 2 (Recognised) Profile Ammended.
Added new XYZ coordinates to "Shadow of the Moon"
[OrderBot] Sahagin Rank 3 (Friendly) Profile Ammended.
Fixed Skipping of "Up In Shhhmoke"
<!-- Class you want to hand in with (the one you're levelling) -->
<CodeChunk Name="HandInClass">
<![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("/gs change 12");
<!-- Class you'll be using for combat -->
<CodeChunk Name="CombatClass">
<![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("/gs change 7");
<!-- Class you'll be using for crafting (A level 50, make sure the set includes the Echatl Wristgloves) -->
<CodeChunk Name="CraftClass">
<![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("/gs change 13");
Just got to friendly. It accepts all of the quests and then gives me "bot thread ended"?
EDIT: Nevermind! I ran the SVN update and it fixed. For some reason the above error happens only when I downloaded the .zip from your original post. So, heads up.![]()
Character running forward and back (for 2-3meters) in loop style (after complete all the obj in the little island quest). Got to stop the bot and then start it again and it fixed.
Now there is another problem in the cargo crate quest (A Crate-ful Response): The character try to interact with the cargo crate instead of first go through the purple circle and kill the monster. So it just stay out the purple circle forever and need to do it manually.
on the Neutral profile:
i know the rules about posting a log but before i thought about it i had already stopped/closed RB...buuuuuuuuuut i had the same problem just this morning (fresh download) and once i stopped and started the bot it actually proceeded to run into the wall (seemingly in the direction of the quest turn-in). since stopping and starting again seemed to create another problem at this point i restarted RB, and everything worked fine, finished the remaining quests and turned them in no problem.
Ill watch more closely next time and be sure to post a log if i see any other issues
*edit* here is the log anyways, i had done the brotherhood of ash dailies just before so the log is pretty long but as far as i can tell the problem starts somewhere around line # 1700
Getting an UUID failure saying doesn't match expected w/SVN
This was fixed a while back by an update.
I've updated all the initial posts links to current version (as a lot of changes were made since posting) including the cleaned up SVN which contains all my profiles. I highly recommend utilising SVN, as I tend to tinker with profiles.
Same problem, deleted old folder and downloaded the new one. did an SVN update on the new folder (just for a sanity check). now after completing the first quest of the 3 Neutral that it grabbed (Violence of the Clams, Wind from Their Sails, A Crate-ful Response) it just stops and does nothing. I stopped and started the bot twice and it just sits.
View attachment 159280
Went ahead and gave the starlite profile a try. I do believe I have everything unlocked (to the point where I got the dress thing and then did the first quest manually). But all I am doing is running into a wall...