yea, need help fixing the idle/gather tag problem. will gather clusters then sit and idle for basicly ever.... just sits there after 1 node
HAHHHAHHA so i was really faded when i wrote this.... Works like a charm!!!! Is there any way of making it farm crystals/shards while it waits for the clusters??
All you need to do is change out all the Slot tags with the below. change 3 of them for water and 3 of them for fire.
Run that in console where you want your new hotspot to be, and replace it in the <Hotspot XYZ=""> section in the profile.
1) The name 'Player' does not exist in the current context
Question, do I run that in the RebornConsole? I copy and pasted and it said
Code:1) The name 'Player' does not exist in the current context
Is there a way to use one of the ward abilities so you get 3 cluster per swing instead of just 1?