Profile Name: [O] A Realm Reborn (Immortal Flames)
Issue: On the quest "Big Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo" the bot gets stuck forever at progress 1/5. It runs and stands still forever, even after restarting the bot, because it's trying to find step 1/5 but it can't, so it won't progress to 2/5. It worked perfectly fine on my other character, so it may have something to do with resuming the quest when it's halfway done. I've attached a log
Suggested Fix: Make it ignore running to node 1/5 if progress is stopped & started partway through the quest.
Profile Name: [O] A Realm Reborn (Immortal Flames)
Issue: On the quest "My Feisty Little Chocobo" gets stuck on the stairs in central shroud at x17.7, y18.7 on the step that has you kill the birds (zanza's or w/e they are called), at 0 progress.
Suggested Fix: Add an extra waypoint on the U-turn in the stairway, or have the player jump over the railing.
Profile Name: [O] A Realm Reborn (Immortal Flames)
Issue: I the quest "A Burning Request", the character gets stuck on a rock at x17.4, y29.1 when trying to get to a node.
Suggested Fix: Having the character jump would fix this
I'd just like to say how much I love that you added the chocobo companion & buying 99 chysahl into the quest profile. I kept thinking i was going to have to manually do that. Little nice things like this save me a lot of time, since I'm running 4 accounts.
Will it also unlock Rowena's House of Splendors (gathering collectability)? If not, do you know of a profile that does? Thanks!
I'm sorry if this issue has been brought up already, but if not
Profile Name: All-in-One-Gathering
Issue: Bot stands still unless you manually move your character to a different node whenever a node disappears due to other players gathering in that area.
Suggested Fix: Make it move on to the next node instead of just standing there
gathering nodes aren't shared with other players. i had this issue too, i think it's related to EXgather or something. My gatherers keep getting stuck doing nothing, and I have to exit the node to get the bot to wake up. I'll try to post a log soon and edit it into this post (haven't been gathering since this happened)
while im at it here are a few issues I found with other things