Technically speaking, this is possible:The link provided is for SVN use only, you can't hit that and get anything from a web browser.
I simply integrated kagami's 1-50 locations (XYZs) into my 50-60 profile. It likely needs some tweaking. If I can find the time for it, I'll make some adjustments.Great profile! Downloaded it yesterday and its been running pretty great so far from lvl 1 to 32.
Have to watch over it a fair bit though. It seems to get killed a decent bit in fates and sometimes i'll come back to it on the chocobo running endlessly into a wall. both of these incidents mostly in the bronze lake area.
Noticed anything that could be causing this? Will try to watch to see if I can spot when it does this and why then capture a log. Just updated both your directory and exmatts yesterday before I started running the 1-60 profile.
I do have agil running just to autoequip stuff as the profile levels. I turned off repair as I noticed your profile already does that.
Edit: Just died twice in about the last hour in bronze lake fate "the road more travelled" at 32,24. Then it respawns at the aetheryte and tries running back to the fishing spot where it just died. Since it seems to try to make a straight line path straight for the death spot that he runs right into a building continuously for about 15 minutes so far. This is the only thing in the log after it respawns.
[01:47:57.834 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: We live!, now to get back to where we were. Using return strategy -> Default: Death Location: <540.7369, -3.4, 154.0096>, AetheryteId: 15
[01:47:57.835 D] Teleporting to Camp Bronze Lake
[01:48:05.437 N] [FlightMover] Set default value for flying to false until we can determine if we can fly in this zone.
[01:48:09.233 D] DoAction Mount 1 0xE0000000
^Running into building forever and no further log. Do I have something set incorrectly to make this happen?
^ this. I haven't had the time to properly integrate ExBuddy into this (and other) profiles.Flight and fishing is not exactly a working system. I have suggested in the past to use a exmoveto or exflyto tag, then turn off flight plugin, then have your exfish tag, then turn back on flight plugin. Until i get back to work on a better system for fishspots, then developers should be taking this approach for now.
got all the way to 51 before I encountered another odd little error that keeps repeating itself.
He'll get stuck trying to land in this little protrusion of land that juts into a pond at Coerthas Western Highlands in the Riversmeet area x 299 y 132 z -237.
Basically it tries to land on the absolute edge of the water and land but this water is not one you can walk over so it just sort of hops up and down in place unable to land.
Doing it all over this zone actually. Just stopped using it for now might try again after i've used leves to go up a few levels.
You and I are the same question.Having a problem with the selection of bait after the patch.
Bot stands at location and continuously opens and closes the bait window, doing nothing else. RB is showing that ExFish is to blame, IDK where to post to let him know so i'm dropping this message here.
Log attached. Thanks in advance!
loading profile results in a crash....shits broken. doin same thing for each gathering profile under the current svn
[19:49:12.462 N] BehaviorDirectory element found, compiling custom behaviors...
[19:49:14.263 N] Loaded profile [O] [FSH] Leveling 1-60