heavily depends on your gearing strategy (spirit>mastery>everything else / spirit>haste>everything else / spirit > crit > everything else / spirit to a specific cap > one of the previously strategies)
Tyrael hard/softlock doesn't matter, i'm running it with softlock only
what i do with all healing classes and oracle:
General settings:
- Disable stop casting
- use heals per mana false (default true)
- Exclude players above 99 (default 91)
- Aoe maximum health 98 (default 91)
- Dispel mana percent 50 (default 5)
Class specific settings:
All AOE healpercentages set to 90 or 95 (default values are between 80 and 90)
Devotion Aura HP: 1 (because i don't want to cast Devotion aura automated)
Devotion Aura Count: 11 (i'm raiding 10m hc) (because i don't want to cast Devotion aura automated)
Mana Cooldown: set to 70 sometimes 80 percent (default is 50 i think, but this is much too late)
Hand of Protection HP 1 (i'm casting it with a mouseover macro)
Sometimes i play a bit with other settings, but these are the defaults for my holy paladin (my gearing strategy: Spirit to cap 12500 (having amplifiy trinket and Siegecrafter trinket, so in most cases i can't oom myself) > Mastery > Haste > everything else)
if u r using askmrrobot for gearing your pally ... try these weight sets
Screenshot by Lightshot (but this is for my preferred playstyle AND my current gear so i can't say if it is working for ya, i'm heavily playing with my trinket proccs, without them, these settings will make u the baddest holy paladin^^)