How exactly does it cost HB any money when someone does a refund? It doesn't at all. They hold all sales for x period of time before even releasing any of the revenue to the developer. When you refund a sale on paypal you refund the full amont, no more no less, and they don't get charged for processing. So that point is moot.
From a customer service standpoint HB should allow 1 refund to be reversed. Because there are things that come up, for example my issue. Letting someone use my HB key and buddyauth while I was taking a break from the game due to the birth of a kid. They refunded, and now I don't have the ability to purchase the product.
I have well over $300-400 worth of purchased Routines / Profiles / Botbases on my buddyauth that were purchased with no issue. Just seems to me like a poor customer service standpoint on HB's behalf.
edit: Sorry Wulf, didn't mean to voice my opinion about HB's issues here. I've heard great feedback from people on the routine and was simply voicing my frustrating as to not being able to purchase it. My issue is obviously with HB, not you guys as there's nothing you can do.