Hi Benny, i've bought without trial cause even if its not perfect yet it will be soon(tm)
that being said, you've talked about shaman updates but i was wondering how monks are comming along,
problem im having atm is mana management, the bot is burning through pretty much all its mana by about 3/4 in a fight now im not undergeared (1200spirit) 11% crit as a MW and im using a channeled mana pot manually
2 other issue's ive noticed, the bot seems to like spamming renewing mists at 3 plus chi and lets the tank die because of the amount of multistrike procs i get (jade mists?) cause it doesnt want to waste the cd's im guessing but ive seen it twice now lets hte tank go dangrously low, sometimes it'll shield em most times it wont and the tank will die while hes spamming hots of everyone >.<
but so far im 6/7 normal and going strong, so not too bad tbh,
OH one other problem encounter specific, the bot cant do brackenspore, it just doesnt heal the mushrooms.