New features:
* Holy Paladin
- Tier 100 support added
- Beacon of Faith - BoF selection, Automatic will bounce it around
(2nd Healtarget if BoL is not automatic, if BoL is automatic it will be cast on the 3rd most injured player.)
- Beacon of Insight - Health Percent based, enabled disable settings, only single target spells atm (will add Holy Radiance logic soon!)
Bug fixes:
* All
- WoD 5 man Prio Dispels added
Add(148141, "Envenomed Shadowstep", DispelType.Priority, DispelDelayType.None);
Add(155586, "Veil of Shadow", DispelType.Priority, DispelDelayType.None);
Add(163057, "Flame Shock", DispelType.Priority, DispelDelayType.None);
Add(143446, "shadow word: bane", DispelType.Priority, DispelDelayType.None);
Add(150032, "Withering Flame", DispelType.Priority, DispelDelayType.None);
Add(163802, "Flame Buffet", DispelType.Priority, DispelDelayType.None);
Add(149975, "Dancing Flame", DispelType.Priority, DispelDelayType.None);
Add(156842, "Corruption", DispelType.Priority, DispelDelayType.None);
Add(156964, "Immolate", DispelType.Priority, DispelDelayType.None);
Add(169376, "Venomous Sting ", DispelType.Priority, DispelDelayType.None);
Add(153524, "Plague Spit", DispelType.Stack, DispelDelayType.None,2);
* Holy Paladin
- Beacon of Light is finally fixed, will not longer swap back to localplayer and will respect tank selection!.