could we get some mistweaver options around the following? (some might already be there still learning the GUI but i don't think all are).
interrupt anyone, target or focus
silence random millisecond delay
break cc random delays
*****ling jade below certain hp to generate chi
expel harm
fortify brew
grapple weapon based on a %
use heathstones and battle standards
nimble brew on root, stun/fear or both
auto pick up chi sphere distance
auto pick up healing sphere distance
zen med # of units at % hp
pickup/return flags
use tigers lust only on me or anyone
chi wave constantly to gen chi
ring of peace options
chi torpedo on num of units and %
detox based on number of buffs or seriousness
use disable x2 to root targets
Drop a Healing Sphere Moving To Enemy
blackout kick
disable player fleeing
jab/spin crane kick to chi amount
mana tea %
Spin crane kick on AOE number of units in range
thunder focus tea before mist
thunder before uplift
thunder focus incoming sliences
tiger palm mana above (to 5 stacks)
for cc breaking priority from tigers lust, nimble brew, pvp roll set, racials, trinkets
also some advice on hard/soft lock @ what recommended TPS and also in PVP is predicated better than actual etc?
interrupt anyone, target or focus
silence random millisecond delay
break cc random delays
*****ling jade below certain hp to generate chi
expel harm
fortify brew
grapple weapon based on a %
use heathstones and battle standards
nimble brew on root, stun/fear or both
auto pick up chi sphere distance
auto pick up healing sphere distance
zen med # of units at % hp
pickup/return flags
use tigers lust only on me or anyone
chi wave constantly to gen chi
ring of peace options
chi torpedo on num of units and %
detox based on number of buffs or seriousness
use disable x2 to root targets
Drop a Healing Sphere Moving To Enemy
blackout kick
disable player fleeing
jab/spin crane kick to chi amount
mana tea %
Spin crane kick on AOE number of units in range
thunder focus tea before mist
thunder before uplift
thunder focus incoming sliences
tiger palm mana above (to 5 stacks)
for cc breaking priority from tigers lust, nimble brew, pvp roll set, racials, trinkets
also some advice on hard/soft lock @ what recommended TPS and also in PVP is predicated better than actual etc?