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I was doing some raid finder on my friend's account, and I noticed Oracle is trying to heal out of range targets like on Iron Maidens when players go on boat, it's spamming trying to heal them. Also I entered spell ID's in dispell list and put them on priority for HFC High Council , Mark of the Necromancer (blue, yellow and red) ID's: 185074,185065 and 185066, tried with priority dispell and it doesn't dispell at all. And I remember it to be such an awesome CR for Disc Priest.
Would it be possible to include a mechanic for Dispelling the fel bombs during Iskar fight? And maybe add an on/off switch to turn on when you are on the dispel duty?
So... Just finished Mythic with my shadow priest and now i'll come back to my good old pally.. How is the state of this CR? On store the last update was on august... Can anyone tell me? Wulf? Benny?
So... Just finished Mythic with my shadow priest and now i'll come back to my good old pally.. How is the state of this CR? On store the last update was on august... Can anyone tell me? Wulf? Benny?
Hammer, I tried to shoot you a PM, but your settings prevented that from happening. Mind PMing me so I can ask you a couple questions, not related to Oracle?