How is the Resto druid profile on here? would like to give this a shot.
How is the Resto druid profile on here? would like to give this a shot.
[06:21:03.185 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed!
[06:21:03.613 N] [OracleII]: Cast Barkskin on Lvl 100 Alliance Druid at 0.0 yds at 87.8%
[06:21:03.646 N] [OracleII]: ======== 2 Tank(s) ===========
[06:21:03.647 N] [OracleII]: Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior : [Main Tank]
[06:21:03.647 N] [OracleII]: Lvl 100 Alliance Druid : [Assist Tank]
[06:21:03.647 N] [OracleII]: ========================
[06:21:04.643 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior at 27.2 yds at 100.0% to Maintain LB
[06:21:06.079 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Hunter at 11.4 yds at 70.7% [Calculated]
[06:21:07.392 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior at 9.2 yds at 100.0% to Maintain LB
[06:21:08.758 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Hunter at 20.5 yds at 87.3% [Calculated]
[06:21:10.060 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior at 27.8 yds at 100.0% to Maintain LB
[06:21:13.157 N] [OracleII]: Cast Rejuvenation on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior at 29.7 yds at 92.5% Keep Rejuv on Tank
[06:21:14.451 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Druid at 20.9 yds at 100.0% [Calculated]
[06:21:15.769 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior at 29.7 yds at 98.4% to Maintain LB
[06:21:17.177 N] [OracleII]: Cast Swiftmend on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior at 29.7 yds at 100.0% [Calculated] For SoTF + WG
[06:21:18.436 N] [OracleII]: Cast Wild Growth on Lvl 100 Alliance Druid at 13.2 yds at 80.0% With SoTF
[06:21:19.861 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Rogue at 19.5 yds at 86.7% [Calculated]
[06:21:21.156 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior at 29.7 yds at 91.0% to Maintain LB
[06:21:26.912 N] [OracleII]: Used Tinket 2 Shards of Nothing
[06:21:27.124 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Druid at 0.0 yds at 64.8% [Calculated]
[06:21:27.986 N] [OracleII]: Found Boss: Oregorger the Devourer
[06:21:27.986 N] [OracleII]: Found Boss: Gruul
[06:21:27.986 N] [OracleII]: Found Boss: Hans'gar & Franzok
[06:21:27.986 N] [OracleII]: Found Boss: Beastlord Darm
[06:21:27.986 N] [OracleII]: Found Boss: Flamebender Ka'graz
[06:21:27.986 N] [OracleII]: Found Boss: Operator Thogar
[06:21:27.986 N] [OracleII]: Found Boss: Blast Furnace
[06:21:27.986 N] [OracleII]: Found Boss: Kromog, Legend of the Mountain
[06:21:27.986 N] [OracleII]: Found Boss: The Iron Maidens
[06:21:27.986 N] [OracleII]: Found Boss: Blackhand
[06:21:27.986 N] [OracleII]: Current Map Bosses contains 10 entries
[06:21:28.281 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior at 26.0 yds at 85.6% to Maintain LB
[06:21:29.415 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Druid at 0.0 yds at 71.8% [Calculated]
[06:21:30.587 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior at 26.0 yds at 76.4% to Maintain LB
[06:21:31.749 N] [OracleII]: Cast Rejuvenation on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior at 26.0 yds at 83.9% Keep Rejuv on Tank
[06:21:32.912 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Druid at 0.0 yds at 84.5% [Calculated]
[06:21:34.153 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior at 26.0 yds at 100.0% to Maintain LB
[06:21:35.435 N] [OracleII]: Cast Lifebloom on Lvl 100 Alliance Druid at 0.0 yds at 97.0% [Calculated]
[06:21:37.107 N] Stopping the bot!
[06:21:37.107 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[06:21:37.117 N] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------
[06:21:37.117 N] [Enyo] Shutdown - Performing required actions.
[06:21:37.117 N] [Enyo] -------------------------------------------
Having this issue... The only spell it is using correctly is regrowth and wild growth. Otherwise it just constantly moves the lifebloom around..
New customer. Just some constructive feedback.
The configuration dialogs, much like those of many other addons, don't scale or size properly at 4K resolutions. Not a big deal.
Trying the routine on a low level (25) holy paladin and it isn't letting anyone die - which is good. But it looks bot-like because the routine is continuously casting Holy Shock. Is there a way to configure it's casting behaviour. E.g. maybe have it cast more aggressively when everyone is not at full health?
Nice addon but tricky to configure.
Would love to hear from other shamans and settings seems we are the black sheep here other than the latest changes there isnt much support in terms of custom settings. Only manage to pull 28k on Imp heroic with healing stream totem my top heals. Something is wrong ilvl 665
It is seriously hard to answer that. That tells us nothing. HST can typically be your top heals if you talent Rushing Streams. Try attaching a log next time so we can look at what you're doing or not doing. Otherwise it just an useless post taking up space. The settings manager doesn't have good setting because Wulf and co doesn't probably have high ilvl raiding shamans in their beta testers pool.
Would love to hear from other shamans and settings seems we are the black sheep here other than the latest changes there isnt much support in terms of custom settings. Only manage to pull 28k on Imp heroic with healing stream totem my top heals. Something is wrong ilvl 665
Hi wulf my intention of the comments was not to come across as rude more upset that im not preforming how i would like. I am running BRF norm tonight and will share my logs and talents.
It would be nice if you shared your talent selection and glyphs with us shamans along with whether or not you are using custom settings from the settings downloader. That way i could replicate whatever your seeing with the new settings.
It should be noted that the 28k on imp is with your new settings mentioned and using the 2 setting profiles for the 665 shaman created by urself the one with the general settings and the class settings combined.
Overall i think it would be great to run with the exact talents and glyphs with settings profile (if any) so i can work from the same spot you are.
Anyone else experiencing this? That hpally tries to cast holy light on the move.Hi, the routine tries to cast Holy Light for Illuminated Healing even if I'm moving, so it just spams "Can't cast that while moving" ingame. And the mistweaver rotation doesn't buff Legacy of the Emperor, I can upload a log for this one too if needed.
Hpally log:
View attachment 174471 there
is there any recommended settings/profile for HC BRF resto druid?
Would be much appreciated, i checked some pages back but its a big thread and did not really see any for resto druid.