Upcoming Patch notes
I am hoping to get the release done tonight guys. Here are the patch notes to inspire you
New features:
* Monk
- New Setting to ignore lowhealthunit when in crane stance (on by default)
* Encounters
- Brakenspore: Now heals Living Mushroom to 90% and Rejuvenating Mushroom to 100% (and keeps healing it)
- Kargath Bladefist: logic - will not heal players in the stands.
- Twin Ogran: Interrupting shout support
- Priority added to GushingWounds, ArcaneVolatility, NullificationBarrier, ExpelMagicFrost targets
- These can all be loaded under Encounters (but should load automatically)
* Consumables
- Draenic Channeled Mana Potion added
* Racials
- Arcane Torrent now checks for holy power and Chi less than one
* Holy Paladin
- Hand of Sacrifice on tank only setting added
- Holy Prism has a Percent setting now for single target under dynamic spells.
- Holy Prism setting to use on Cooldown on Enemy (Recommended to leave this on by default - loads of healing!)
- Holy Light Stopcast Enable and Health Setting (Note: This is predicted health to stopcast)
- Will use Hand of Freedom when Expel Magic: Frost applied to us
* Toast Overlay
- Overlay Messages added - Enable Disable for hotkeys (Can be enabled disabled in Hotkeys)
* All
- Default settings changed for all classes. (leans more to Raid Healing)
Bug fixes:
* All
- Tank mode is now defaulted to "Active Tank" when "Automatic" (Recommended) - switch to "MainthenOff" to get previous logic
* Monk
- Changes to Fistweaving to ensure correct rotation for Pool of Mists.
* Holy Paladin
- Fix for Beacon of Light target
- Fix Holy Prism wasn't cast correctly on an enemy.
* Holy Priest
- Fix Will not attempt to use Solace if not talented