When you buy a product it gets added to your account. not just the key.If its hb key attached. Then when my month expires and i have to buy the unlimited acces one then i het a new key to login so that means i will lose my pack ? Ir can it be aranged so that my pack get transfered to my new one ?
Yes, That's just a typowwhen I load the Apexis Dailies ONLY profile, it says
but it only actually does the daily... so i think it's a copy/paste error![]()
Already planned as mentioned by Reviir previouslycan we get a full ulduar raid profile? and ICC?
Already planned as mentioned by Reviir previously
Just a matter of getting to it after finishing the higher priority projects!
Trying the PB mount run, just seems to run through them and never go anywhere, is there something specific I need to do?
sounds good man, been looking for a solid ulduar/icc profile for months. really looking forward to this.
can you give us a sneak peak on what you're working on now?![]()