So i bout the 75 euro bundle. I dont see the new profiles in the full package profile. Am i missing something?
i wonder where u bought the 75€ version, only found a 30€ version in store -.-
You must be new. He released his full package before the price changes for 75euro. Promising full access to all future profiles.
As i said before i do not see the new profiles such as apexis dailies in tanaan in the package.
Apologies for the Delay guys.
Just finishing a few fixes and updates to various files.
Not to mention the new content only got approved last night, so please be patient
Will be uploading the new update in a few hours and it should be up in a day or two as soon as it gets approved.
If you have any questions/concerns feel free to ask!
Really guys? your answer is a couple of replies up >_>
Awaiting Code Approval.
Will be looked into! thanks for the report.Hey !!!
I bought this package a few days ago, mainly for the firelands Farming profile. But one thing ive noticed is that i cant run it completely afk, what is a real shame.
I play on a pvp server, and sometimes whenever i get out of the raid i get ganked, and die at the door.
The profile will ress, but it will try to go inside the raid as a spirit, instead of ressing outside. Causing it to dc after sometime.
Its a really good farming profile, and i can do about 1.5k gph. but it would be amazing if this could be improoved.
Could you guys plz look into it ?
I thought we were on the same page, but i guess not.No where in that statement does it mention the full package or what that applies too. Im not one for reading minds.
Seems they are focusing more on the new packages they're releasing. I've asked in this thread about issues myself and have seen in many threads of some of this package's contents where others have asked what is going on and it's always the same thing. I was really looking at buying the package until I got the trial and nearly nothing was in it and what was broken and either didn't loot, ran me into fel crap, stood there or ran into objects. I'm not trying to be an ass by any means, but what drove me away from buying this or other packages was the fact that I saw others in this thread pay for something broken, were told it was being worked on, but then I saw new things being released/worked on instead. I also noticed some of the comments made in response to people that had posted that also totally made me lose interest.
1.1 | Release | [Update] Added 6.2 Content [Update] Added Guo-Lai Farm [Update] Added Garrison Scouting Missives and dailies [Update] Updated AH-Omation Prices (WoD) | 8/6/2015 2:04:16 AM |
Alot more than 12 bud. Dont forget about all the rep mounts from city rep sons of hodir rep and things like that.
Just confuses me cause they aren't listed under "Mounts"
hi the firelands profile on normal just stands there when the. Magmaspray Beetle level 1 critter is attacking it. And does not do nothing. Add this to fix it to the profile i think this would resolve this issue.
<Mob Name="" Id=54274"" />
This came from kick
<Mob Name="" Id="" />
put that in the top of the profile ... dump the mob name/id ofc from dev tools
1.2 | Release | [Update] Added 6.2 Content [Update] Added Guo-Lai Farm [Update] Added Garrison Scouting Missives and dailies [Update] Updated AH-Omation Prices (WoD) [Update] Added WoD Gathering profiles | 8/8/2015 1:33:48 PM | 8/9/2015 2:50:15 AM |