How long does it typically take them to approve the updated files? My profile is still not working. I'm excited to try it out! Sad feeling when it didn't work "out of the box". It's like Christmas was ruined lol.
How long does it typically take them to approve the updated files? My profile is still not working. I'm excited to try it out! Sad feeling when it didn't work "out of the box". It's like Christmas was ruined lol.
Yup we have no way to get the fix out faster than it takes them to approve it ill check it in a few hereany update as far as when the profile becomes active?
I am still waiting for it.
Thank youFix is live
^ I would like to know this too... I been trying to farm scabbard from these engineers and i haven't even gotten a blue drop been running the bot sense I got it pree much non stop so at least 24 hours worth of grinding and i've made like 3k gold and a ton of those rylakinator-3000 power cells + goblin rocket packs.... if i was in the market for farming thouse things I'd be in bussiness... lol. someone said *Which still gives me hope for buying this* that they got 4 epics in a 24 hour period and always get like 10k gold... maybe if the creator can suggest what area or map pack I should run with the most lucritive outcome or highest chance for Scabbard the str trinket that might help me out =) thanks for any help reguarding this and Yes I run the folder that says Scabbard so I'm assuming this is the best spot but I could be wrong. seems like all I'm coming up with is what I stated above. Have a good day, and hopefully someone sees this and can help me out.How long does is typically take for your chars to collect a good item, blue or epic?
^ I would like to know this too... I been trying to farm scabbard from these engineers and i haven't even gotten a blue drop been running the bot sense I got it pree much non stop so at least 24 hours worth of grinding and i've made like 3k gold and a ton of those rylakinator-3000 power cells + goblin rocket packs.... if i was in the market for farming thouse things I'd be in bussiness... lol. someone said *Which still gives me hope for buying this* that they got 4 epics in a 24 hour period and always get like 10k gold... maybe if the creator can suggest what area or map pack I should run with the most lucritive outcome or highest chance for Scabbard the str trinket that might help me out =) thanks for any help reguarding this and Yes I run the folder that says Scabbard so I'm assuming this is the best spot but I could be wrong. seems like all I'm coming up with is what I stated above. Have a good day, and hopefully someone sees this and can help me out.
Yah was just wishfull thinking that maybe I'd have the same success story as one of the other users I guess rng has me down... guess i'll keep at the grind for another day and see what turns up... Thanks for reply did not know this just released couple days ago though that's actually cool cuz I'm guessing I'll be one of the ppl using it maybe with some luck get an item b4 someone else lol... thx agian.All epics are RNG based. If you have doubts about an area, just lookup the npc on wowhead.
For example the Darktide Engineers have a chance to drop the following.
I know it seems like a lot but the drop rates are very low and it comes with patience. This has only been on the market for a couple days now.
This is my fourth attempt to get help on this - I am now told this is the right place . . . . .
I can't get Revir's Alliance 90-100 profile to work (correctly).
I am running the singular CR.
I am standing in my garrison.
I load the profile "[A] [Grindbot] 90-100 grind.xml"
I try the grind bot, and it moves down to the beach, kills a few things and then just stands there killing crabs.
I try the beta grind bot - same thing.
I try the quest bot and get an error message: "cannot start quest - this profile does not contain a quest order"
I tried this when I was a new 90, and now again when I am 93, and it does the same thing - goes to the beach and stands there killing crabs.
The buddy store 1-100 quest profile works just fine.
So how do I get Revir's profile to work? Or is it broken?
Log attached
[A] [Grindbot] 90-100 grind.xml
You got it on quest bot bud turn it on Grind bot
Please read my post again.
Or read the log I attached: "[21:42:11.834 N] [Singular] Your Level 93 Human Survival Hunter Build is
[21:42:11.845 N] [Singular] ... running the Grind Bot bot in Lunarfall"
I tried it on grind bot. It just went to the beach and killed crabs.
The quest bot did not start at all - error message.
No probs, just hope to get it fixed so I can run it. Questing 90-100 has given me so many issues like bot getting stuck, not recognizing events, trying to rightclick mobs that you cant etc...
Currently leveling shadowpriest and it's a pain :/
I have no idea how to do that. Care to briefly tell me how to do that?
the he spot where it kills the crabs is the first grind location. It is supposed to kill crabs until level 93 I think. What exactly is the problem?