Here is my log~Log file or it didnt happen. Lol.
Seriously im gonna have this thread purged of u guys posting errors without a log file.
seems to be working for me on enyo without any issues.
Otherwise, great work guys - keep it up!
O==[ShadowStrike]=System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at ShadowStrike4.Core.Combat.MainCombatHelper.executeSubtlety()
at ShadowStrike4.Core.Combat.MainCombatHelper.shouldWeExecute()
at ShadowStrike4.Core.Combat.MainCombat.doCombat()
at ShadowStrike4.Main.Combat()
at ShadowStrike4.Main.Pulse()
[Target: Ancient Pearltusk - THP: 38%]
(HP: 99% CP: 5 E: 100/100)
Get that in red text if it helps any..
Seems to be working for me on Enyo without any issues. But since I only PVP, here's some items that could use some improvement:
Offensive improvements:
- Option to Kidney Shot on CD, otherwise Evisc.
- Option to select cheapshot or garrote as opener (currently only shows ambush for me).
- Auto burst of speed over X Energy
- Auto Sap Focus in stealth.
- Blind Focus when target <35%
- Deadly throw at 5 CP to interrupt heals on any target when target <35%
- Gouge focus when target <35%
- Shadow Reflection before bursting.
- Vanish offensively on burst. (Vanish sap any arena parter in range, otherwise vanish evisc/cheapshot (based on stun DR)).
- Pool energy and combo/anticipation points for redbuff burst.
- Smoke bomb when target <35% life, we are bursting, and target is stunned.
Defensive CD's Improvements:
- Always use feint with elusiveness talent when targeted.
- Combat readiness on x% HP or on enemy burst.
- Evasion on x% HP or on enemy burst.
- Cloak of shadows smart logic (e.g. dispel X amount of DOTS, use pre-freeze trap/poly/cyclone/fear, use when we are vanish stealthed and have DoTs on with 1 second remaining on improved stealth)
- Smoke bomb when HP <35% and all other defensive CD's are down.
Otherwise, great work guys - keep it up!
nah i sent this log cause my rogue wont use any abilitiesThis can be safely ignored. It's just a debug message, one that happens to have no effect on normal operation.
nah i sent this log cause my rogue wont use any abilities
Dont know if its done yet we will look at some sort of a option for rotaition number and randomization on interuptshould add an enable/disable kick option, its very botlike interrupting at 0.001 cast
Kinda sorta but ultimatly not realy but situational....Quick question: you can't disable combat when a profile? Like this DisableBehavior Name="Combat" or is it possible but with another code?