The only real way to make loads of cash with botting is to invest in it. You need a good internet connection, need to be able to spoof ips, and you need to understand how to automate a lot of stuff. Then you run multiple bots per multiple servers so you always have a large stockpile of gold on them and you sell that gold to websites that will resell it for you.
However a single botter, being smart, can make enough extra gold in a month to sell or trade for a gamecard and play wow for free while putting much less time to get stuff like expensive mounts. You gotta be smart, don't bot like a bot. Bot like a player.
However a single botter, being smart, can make enough extra gold in a month to sell or trade for a gamecard and play wow for free while putting much less time to get stuff like expensive mounts. You gotta be smart, don't bot like a bot. Bot like a player.