Well, I'm testing this last one.
I got disconected like before, but I forgot to change to DX9, so there's still the disconnect here but it's still DX11.
(I'm typing as things happen here)
I have HS saved there (Vol'mar), but the bot went flying. Not sure if it should use HS or not. (I was at Garrison).
I don't know what went wrong, maybe it was the class routine, but the bot was only doing the same spell and nothing else and them the bot stopped. After starting it went on with everything ok.
I thought it would create 2 logs, but it seems there's only one, even with the stop. Shows I don't know how this works hahaha
After it finished the other dailies and only had Unseen Influence and Pressing the Attack:
- It went to Ruins of Kra'nak, killed 3 mobs after doing nothing and tanking them for some seconds
- and them left and got the flypath to Sha'naari Refuge
- At Shanaar temple everything went smooth... it wastes some time getting unecessary soul charges while it's full health but nothing major (they aren't part of the objective, are they?)
- Objective complete, them went to zeth'gol, got up on some bone spikes near the precipice and them fell down by itself, withtout any mobs pushing the char back. (it was trying to get a glowing chest)
- them it went to the tip of the bone spike again and fucking JUMPED lol...didn't just walk into the precipice, jumped... and them died of fall dmg. (I have goblin glider, levitate, everyhing.)
- It took some time to ress again, because it couldn't get as near the body as it wanted because of the cliffs.
- It went back to the top, walked around, killed some mobs, but didn't get any bonus objective items/actions (the bonus objective of the area was around 50%) and them left the area.
- Now it's on themple of sha'naar again, the objective here was completed already. But it's killing some mobs around. It still needs one more bonus objective area to complete Pressing the attack and 3 fel-corrupted apexis fragment.
- left the area and it's at zeth-gol now. Just walked around mounted, it seems to be searching fel-corrupted apexis fragment?
- when it get's a dazed it stops and kill all the mobs aggroed, fortunatelly the gear is good.
- Flypath to vault of the earth now hahaha, I'm confused. But it got one more fel-corrupted apexis fragment as soon as it got there, so it's good.
- Walked around for some minutes
- Flypath to The Iron Front, found the last fel-corrupted, ignored the rares being killed.
- Vol'mar to deliver the quest and stopped, still have Press the Attack on my log.
and how does the logic for rare mobs work? Cause they're always ignored.. sometimes I try to manually engage them but If I hit play the char runs away.
does halfway completed bonus objective keeps to the next day?
Sorry for the long post. And this was all done using your file from the last post.
A logic could be added to check if the Hearthstone is set if we're not in Tanaan, but something like this would just be extra to the profile itself.
The navigation system won't check hearthstones natively, however <MoveTo/> (which is used in these profiles to issue movements) should handle flight paths/etc.
If the spell casting was bugged, then it's definately the combat routine.
I only ever reccomend using Singular when running any profile that operates on the Questing botbase.
Other combat routines will typically cause more unpredictable bugs.
The Soul Charges don't contribute to the objective progress, but it helps considering it buffs you.
It's mostly there for undergeared players.
Do you know the exact position of the glowing chest it was trying to get to? In the log I see that it was trying to interact with a Spyglass, which I've removed from the treasure hook in the latest version.
The logic should check if the bot can properly navigate to it before attempting to loot it.
Singular will use Levitate if you start to fall. Whichever combat routine you're using should have as well unless the developer never considered to add support for it.
The only thing I could guess is it went to Zeth'gol to complete one of the other dailies.
Or it was flying to the next zone and got distracted by that Spyglass treasure.
It seems the bot went to Ruins of Kra'nak to do 1/2 of the Pressing the Attack daily, but as soon as it got there it immediately determined it was completed and left.
Aside from it being a potentially bad QuestID - the only other thing I could guess that would cause this is that it took the game client too long to trigger the internal quest, and the bot figured it was completed since it never shown up in the log.
There's a 10second wait timer for the quest to appear before the rest of the code starts.
I could these wrap these into a While loop to help remedy the issue.
The logic for rare mobs will only seek them if: Your player is alive, the bot can properly navigate to the location, the navigated path is less than or equal to 50yards and the rare is alive.
Yea, quests linger into the next day.
It won't stack onto tomorrow's reset, so it's best to complete them before then.
I'm about to run some testers on the Horde end.
Just finished the Alliance end with no notable issues. xP