Official Profile and Singular Developer
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- Nov 28, 2012
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This profile primarily focuses on the dailies in Tanaan Jungle. The logic which makes it go after rares is a very minute secondary logic.Hi, it's possible to have a version that farm only rare in tanaar? (without have unlock tanaar from garrison)
Given this, this profile couldn't be set to just farm rares.
If you want to farm rares, then you would need to extract the rare logic that's used in this profile and build it into a new profile.
Here's the hook that's used:
<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" LogExecution="false" AllowExecutionWhileNotAlive="false" ActivityName="Kill Rares" UseWhen="Me.IsAlive && Me.DurabilityPercent >= .2 && ((HasQuest(39432) && !IsQuestCompleted(39432)) || (HasQuest(39433) && !IsQuestCompleted(39433))) && ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().Where(u => new[]{92552, 90884, 90936, 92429, 93264, 93076, 90434, 90519, 89675, 90887, 93028, 90888, 91727, 92647, 93125, 92941, 91695, 90094, 90777, 90429, 90437, 93279, 90438, 93002, 90442, 91374, 92194, 90885, 90024, 93236, 92887, 92606, 92694, 92977, 92574, 91087, 90122}.Contains((int)u.Entry) && Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, u.Location) && Navigator.PathDistance(Me.Location, u.Location) <= 50 && u.IsAlive).OrderBy(u => Navigator.PathDistance(Me.Location, u.Location)).FirstOrDefault() != null" >
<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Yellow, "[Notification]: Killing a rare.");" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="true" MovementBy="NavigatorOnly" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" WaitForNpcs="false" ProactiveCombatStrategy="ClearMobsTargetingUs" MobState="Alive" InteractByLooting="true" CollectionDistance="500"
MobIds="92552, 90884, 90936, 92429, 93264, 93076, 90434, 90519, 89675, 90887, 93028, 90888, 91727, 92647, 93125, 92941, 91695, 90094, 90777, 90429, 90437, 93279, 90438, 93002, 90442, 91374, 92194, 90885, 90024, 93236, 92887, 92606, 92694, 92977, 92574, 91087, 90122" TerminateWhen="Me.IsDead" />
One important thing to point out - there's no Hotspots provided in this code.
All this code is - is merely code to tell the bot to engage a rare when it detects one near our location.
You could use this in a profile, then have the profile loop a bunch of <MoveTo /> lines that makes the bot traverse Tanaan Jungle.
The hook should activate when a rare is detected and attack it.
Example profile:
<!-- Other Profile settings -->
<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" LogExecution="false" AllowExecutionWhileNotAlive="false" ActivityName="Kill Rares" UseWhen="Me.IsAlive && Me.DurabilityPercent >= .2 && ((HasQuest(39432) && !IsQuestCompleted(39432)) || (HasQuest(39433) && !IsQuestCompleted(39433))) && ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().Where(u => new[]{92552, 90884, 90936, 92429, 93264, 93076, 90434, 90519, 89675, 90887, 93028, 90888, 91727, 92647, 93125, 92941, 91695, 90094, 90777, 90429, 90437, 93279, 90438, 93002, 90442, 91374, 92194, 90885, 90024, 93236, 92887, 92606, 92694, 92977, 92574, 91087, 90122}.Contains((int)u.Entry) && Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, u.Location) && Navigator.PathDistance(Me.Location, u.Location) <= 50 && u.IsAlive).OrderBy(u => Navigator.PathDistance(Me.Location, u.Location)).FirstOrDefault() != null" >
<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Yellow, "[Notification]: Killing a rare.");" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="true" MovementBy="NavigatorOnly" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" WaitForNpcs="false" ProactiveCombatStrategy="ClearMobsTargetingUs" MobState="Alive" InteractByLooting="true" CollectionDistance="500"
MobIds="92552, 90884, 90936, 92429, 93264, 93076, 90434, 90519, 89675, 90887, 93028, 90888, 91727, 92647, 93125, 92941, 91695, 90094, 90777, 90429, 90437, 93279, 90438, 93002, 90442, 91374, 92194, 90885, 90024, 93236, 92887, 92606, 92694, 92977, 92574, 91087, 90122" TerminateWhen="Me.IsDead" />
<While Condition="true" > <!-- Put your XYZs here that makes the bot run around Tanaan -->
<MoveTo X="..." Y="..." Z="..." />
<MoveTo X="..." Y="..." Z="..." />
<MoveTo X="..." Y="..." Z="..." />