- Joined
- Oct 1, 2014
- Messages
- 133
Bump #47: lv12 arcanist froze, main quest "Relighting the Torch:"
Had to teleport to Swiftperch.
Bump #48: lv41 glad stuck inside building again:
Ran to other building entrance to turn in "Ye of Little Faith."
Bump #49: lv41 glad stuck mounted infront of normal npc:
Ran 1 level down inside structure so RB would initiate turn in.
Bump #50: lv41 gld stuck standing @ entrance way to dungeon area:
Quickly ran outside and reset, bot started "King Rat Must Die."
Bump #51: ( lv41 thm froze mounted infront of Francel (main story quest "Road to Redemption), would not engage patrol when combat entered, after each death RB teleported to dragonhead (potential for gil diaster if left unchecked):
View attachment 5752 2015-06-05 22.42.txt
Manually completed "Investigate the Steel Vigil" and main story mentioned.
Bump #52: lv12 arcanist stuck running against wall (
Bump #53: lv41 gld stuck in same spot a few bumps ago, had to stop and go to the other building entrance:
Bump #53 extended: stuck right after this^ 2/4 npc turn infor "Influencing Inquistors"
[01:28:59.087 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TalkToTag: IsDone: False, NpcId: 1005529, InteractDistance: 3, XYZ: <593.225, 61.73446, -113.9697>, NPC: null, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[01:28:59.087 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] e8b5aa8c-c34b-46b2-8519-7d7a20252fba
[01:28:59.091 D] Requesting path on 135 from <349.7227, 73.48835, -311.5365> to <593.225, 61.73446, -113.9697>
[01:28:59.596 D] Generated path to <593.225, 61.73446, -113.9697> in 00:00:00.5051010 ms
[01:29:05.127 D] Moving to next hop: <447.3607, 68.19298, -214.4058> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 96.24444
[01:29:14.088 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0014262
[01:29:21.090 D] Moving to next hop: <448.1945, 68.19298, -213.9694> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 1.548736
[01:29:21.220 D] Moving to next hop: <516.3622, 67.09297, -213.5679> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 68.78893
[01:29:29.134 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0009992
[01:29:32.686 D] Moving to next hop: <522.7911, 67.09297, -212.9605> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 6.888686
[01:29:33.725 D] Moving to next hop: <523.7324, 67.09297, -212.3785> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 1.758671
[01:29:33.939 D] Moving to next hop: <546.011, 67.09297, -190.5695> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 31.59811
[01:29:39.114 D] Moving to next hop: <546.5547, 67.09297, -189.8474> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 1.608026
[01:29:39.256 D] Moving to next hop: <547.7014, 67.09297, -188.6943> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 2.392253
[01:29:39.552 D] Moving to next hop: <549.3056, 66.59297, -184.9679> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 4.673162
[01:29:40.220 D] Moving to next hop: <555.7056, 63.39297, -159.3679> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 27.20381
[01:29:44.155 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0012866
[01:29:44.669 D] Moving to next hop: <581.3056, 63.89297, -127.3679> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 41.49034
[01:29:51.551 D] Moving to next hop: <593.225, 61.73446, -113.9697> (TalkToTag: Roeganlona) D: 18.8206
[01:29:54.201 D] Interacting with Roeganlona 0x1121E7F0
[01:30:00.787 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0016616
[01:30:01.033 V] [UseItem] Started
[01:30:01.037 N] [UseItemTag] Target set to
[01:30:01.038 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to UseItemTag: ItemId: 2000343, CustomLogic: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, Item: Iron Brazier 2000343, CustomCombatLogic: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, IsDone: False, Condition: null, Conditional: null, XYZ: <602.5024, 28.94629, 361.0131>, WaitTime: 0, UseHealthPercent: 0, LacksAuraId: 0, BlacklistDuration: 180, UseDistance: 3.24, UseTimes: 0, Radius: 10, NpcIds: System.Int32[], Hotspots: Clio.Utilities.IndexedList`1[ff14bot.Navigation.HotSpot], IgnoreLOS: False, BlacklistAfter: False, InCombat: False, InCombatOnly: False, Position: <602.5024, 28.94629, 361.0131> Radius:10, Target: null, HighPriority: False, QuestId: 65939, StepId: 2, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: Relighting the Torch, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[01:30:01.038 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 34bfcefc-39b5-49f8-96ac-1a221691c3b0
[01:30:01.041 N] [UseItemTag] Target set to
[01:30:01.041 D] Requesting path on 135 from <591.316, 61.86251, -116.1257> to <602.5024, 28.94629, 361.0131>
[01:30:01.042 N] [UseItemTag] Target set to
[01:30:01.119 D] No viable path from <591.316, 61.86251, -116.1257> to <602.5024, 28.94629, 361.0131> in 00:00:00.0780907 ms
[01:30:01.136 N] [UseItemTag] Target set to
[01:30:15.813 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0011438
[01:30:15.813 N] [UseItemTag] Target set to
[01:30:30.893 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0009389
[01:30:30.894 N] [UseItemTag] Target set to
Bump #48: lv41 glad stuck inside building again:
[01:54:58.925 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0012200
[01:54:59.588 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TalkToTag: IsDone: False, NpcId: 1006441, InteractDistance: 3, XYZ: <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839>, NPC: Alboise 0x1123C400, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[01:54:59.588 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 430f5350-d076-4e98-85dd-def164d27ab6
[01:54:59.590 D] Interacting with Alboise 0x1123C400
[01:55:01.606 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TalkToTag: IsDone: False, NpcId: 1006442, InteractDistance: 3, XYZ: <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998>, NPC: Astidien 0x11225660, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[01:55:01.606 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] ec4898c3-c489-4011-8a2c-e2fb55ff67fa
[01:55:01.609 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-415.4337, 211.4575, -293.1617> to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998>
[01:55:02.067 D] Generated path to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998> in 00:00:00.4581591 ms
[01:55:02.081 D] Moving to next hop: <-416.9214, 211.4997, -291.9867> (TalkToTag: Astidien) D: 1.896148
[01:55:02.363 D] Moving to next hop: <-417.2214, 211.5967, -291.7034> (TalkToTag: Astidien) D: 1.113557
[01:55:02.435 D] Moving to next hop: <-418.7436, 211.5995, -291.623> (TalkToTag: Astidien) D: 2.06222
[01:55:02.703 D] Moving to next hop: <-421.3978, 211.4997, -290.8235> (TalkToTag: Astidien) D: 3.424538
[01:55:03.184 D] Moving to next hop: <-420.8299, 211.4997, -292.3367> (TalkToTag: Astidien) D: 1.373335
[01:55:03.319 D] Moving to next hop: <-419.1714, 211.4997, -296.2867> (TalkToTag: Astidien) D: 4.820811
[01:55:04.010 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 14.99383
[01:55:04.078 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-419.2623, 211.4575, -296.0424> to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998>
[01:55:04.156 D] Generated path to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998> in 00:00:00.0787192 ms
[01:55:04.215 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 14.69662
[01:55:04.221 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-419.2187, 211.4575, -296.3384> to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998>
[01:55:04.302 D] Generated path to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998> in 00:00:00.0802724 ms
[01:55:04.362 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 14.69349
[01:55:04.431 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-419.2159, 211.4575, -296.3461> to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998>
[01:55:04.507 D] Generated path to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998> in 00:00:00.0761043 ms
[01:55:04.565 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 14.69349
[01:55:13.935 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0012138
[01:55:29.003 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0027228
[01:55:44.033 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0013304
[01:55:59.084 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0018265
[01:56:14.147 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0014041
[01:56:29.161 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0014197
[01:56:29.459 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-419.1853, 211.4575, -296.3461> to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998>
[01:56:29.538 D] Generated path to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998> in 00:00:00.0794939 ms
[01:56:29.563 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 14.69172
[01:56:29.594 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-419.1955, 211.4575, -296.3461> to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998>
[01:56:29.664 D] Generated path to <-417.9294, 225, -301.8998> in 00:00:00.0694233 ms
[01:56:29.696 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 14.69172
[01:56:44.188 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0016707
Bump #49: lv41 glad stuck mounted infront of normal npc:
[02:00:29.802 D] Moving to next hop: <-410.7574, 225.0997, -297.0728> (Charmine) D: 6.903154
[02:00:31.568 N] [PickupQuestTag] Picking up quest Love's Hard Labor(66471) from Charmine at <-409.3538, 224.9999, -297.0474>
[02:00:31.568 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to PickupQuestTag: IsDone: False, NpcId: 1006698, XYZ: <-409.3538, 224.9999, -297.0474>, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 66471, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: Love's Hard Labor, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[02:00:31.568 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 579c1a89-1a14-41a3-803d-5be2f99ec4f8
[02:00:31.571 D] Interacting with Charmine 0x11246680
[02:00:35.142 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to MoveToTag: XYZ: <-452.9641, 211.4575, -294.4534>, Name: Oncenedl, Distance: 3, UseMesh: True, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[02:00:35.142 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7e54fa18-cf73-4ad0-bef5-9f84b3c88feb
[02:00:35.149 D] DoAction Mount 1 0xE0000000
[02:00:36.712 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-412.0623, 224.9999, -296.9238> to <-452.9641, 211.4575, -294.4534>
[02:00:36.821 D] Generated path to <-452.9641, 211.4575, -294.4534> in 00:00:00.1094563 ms
[02:00:37.601 D] Moving to next hop: <-417.4964, 221.5997, -288.5168> (Oncenedl) D: 6.621679
[02:00:38.157 D] Moving to next hop: <-418.0463, 221.5997, -287.2368> (Oncenedl) D: 2.155456
[02:00:38.365 D] Moving to next hop: <-418.9214, 221.5997, -287.1617> (Oncenedl) D: 1.010297
[02:00:38.433 D] Moving to next hop: <-420.609, 221.5997, -287.1617> (Oncenedl) D: 2.065903
[02:00:38.676 D] Moving to next hop: <-421.3779, 221.6001, -287.8116> (Oncenedl) D: 1.073273
[02:00:38.747 D] Moving to next hop: <-421.4888, 221.6367, -288.7368> (Oncenedl) D: 1.185862
[02:00:38.837 D] Moving to next hop: <-421.3193, 218.673, -294.5508> (Oncenedl) D: 6.940158
[02:00:39.245 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0013929
[02:00:39.452 D] Moving to next hop: <-421.5791, 218.2015, -297.3232> (Oncenedl) D: 3.529186
[02:00:39.802 D] Moving to next hop: <-422.8416, 218.1997, -297.0641> (Oncenedl) D: 1.295166
[02:00:39.869 D] Moving to next hop: <-424.8309, 218.1064, -297.5008> (Oncenedl) D: 2.674459
[02:00:40.143 D] Moving to next hop: <-453.5873, 217.9997, -294.5933> (Oncenedl) D: 29.11192
[02:00:43.348 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 6.550686
[02:00:43.415 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-453.2512, 217.9996, -294.6266> to <-452.9641, 211.4575, -294.4534>
[02:00:43.551 D] Generated path to <-452.9641, 211.4575, -294.4534> in 00:00:00.1352248 ms
[02:00:43.553 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 6.550686
[02:00:54.272 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0012017
[02:01:09.331 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0012943
[02:01:24.369 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0016343
[02:01:39.422 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0022746
Bump #50: lv41 gld stuck standing @ entrance way to dungeon area:
[02:04:52.908 D] Interacting with Ferdillaix 0x11220520
[02:04:54.190 V] [UseObject] Started
[02:04:54.192 N] [UseObjectTag] Target set to Rotting Vegetables 0x112679C0
[02:04:54.193 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to UseObjectTag: CustomLogic: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, IsDone: False, Condition: null, Conditional: null, XYZ: <0, 0, 0>, WaitTime: 0, UseHealthPercent: 0, LacksAuraId: 0, BlacklistDuration: 180, UseDistance: 3.24, UseTimes: 0, Radius: 50, NpcIds: System.Int32[], Hotspots: Clio.Utilities.IndexedList`1[ff14bot.Navigation.HotSpot], IgnoreLOS: False, BlacklistAfter: False, InCombat: False, InCombatOnly: False, Position: <-440.3297, 210.7728, -218.6466> Radius:10, CustomCombatLogic: null, Target: Rotting Vegetables 0x112679C0, HighPriority: False, QuestId: 66472, StepId: 1, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: The King Rat Must Die, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[02:04:54.193 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 10f57b9e-7197-49cd-83e9-cd674917409f
[02:04:54.195 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-461.3515, 211.4575, -291.1645> to <-454.3679, 217.9751, -283.772>
[02:04:54.326 D] Generated path to <-454.3679, 217.9751, -283.772> in 00:00:00.1308054 ms
[02:04:55.114 D] Moving to next hop: <-455.1714, 211.4997, -291.5368> ([UseObject] Moving to interact with: ) D: 2.001316
[02:04:55.182 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0017817
[02:04:55.344 D] Moving to next hop: <-454.8714, 211.4997, -291.3868> ([UseObject] Moving to interact with: ) D: 0.915243
[02:04:55.423 D] Moving to next hop: <-454.2373, 211.4997, -291.2849> ([UseObject] Moving to interact with: ) D: 1.110627
[02:04:55.501 D] Moving to next hop: <-454.3679, 217.9751, -283.772> ([UseObject] Moving to interact with: ) D: 10.10606
[02:04:56.838 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 6.549583
[02:04:56.917 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-454.3905, 211.4575, -284.4183> to <-454.3679, 217.9751, -283.772>
[02:04:57.044 D] Generated path to <-454.3679, 217.9751, -283.772> in 00:00:00.1272927 ms
[02:04:57.065 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 6.549583
[02:05:10.201 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0017344
Bump #51: ( lv41 thm froze mounted infront of Francel (main story quest "Road to Redemption), would not engage patrol when combat entered, after each death RB teleported to dragonhead (potential for gil diaster if left unchecked):
View attachment 5752 2015-06-05 22.42.txt
Manually completed "Investigate the Steel Vigil" and main story mentioned.
Bump #52: lv12 arcanist stuck running against wall (
[02:09:32.661 N] [TurnInTag] Turning in quest Failure to Lunch(65945) from Wafufu at <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:32.662 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TurnInTag: RewardSlot: -1, ItemIds: System.Int32[], RequiresHq: System.Boolean[], IsDone: False, NpcId: 1002233, InteractDistance: 5, XYZ: <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>, NPC: null, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 65945, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: Failure to Lunch, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[02:09:32.662 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 857e7512-cf7f-4388-8bf3-052dcc491702
[02:09:32.665 D] Requesting path on 135 from <334.6638, 32.19236, 641.8441> to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:32.724 D] Generated path to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269> in 00:00:00.0589052 ms
[02:09:32.930 D] Moving to next hop: <332.1783, 31.22915, 638.5231> (TurnInTag: Wafufu) D: 3.665473
[02:09:33.417 D] Moving to next hop: <306.6407, 30.98113, 620.8548> (TurnInTag: Wafufu) D: 31.66911
[02:09:34.541 N] Sprinting
[02:09:34.541 D] DoAction Spell 3 0xE0000000
[02:09:35.749 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0010477
[02:09:37.831 D] Moving to next hop: <306.4885, 30.88778, 620.7404> (TurnInTag: Wafufu) D: 1.016901
[02:09:37.906 D] Moving to next hop: <305.2556, 30.49297, 619.0841> (TurnInTag: Wafufu) D: 2.368915
[02:09:38.119 D] Moving to next hop: <302.7556, 30.49297, 619.9322> (TurnInTag: Wafufu) D: 2.933812
[02:09:38.418 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 79.67199
[02:09:38.423 D] Requesting path on 135 from <303.2989, 30.4394, 619.8702> to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:38.517 D] Generated path to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269> in 00:00:00.0945359 ms
[02:09:38.566 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 79.01237
[02:09:38.632 D] Requesting path on 135 from <302.6097, 30.4394, 619.9488> to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:38.696 D] Generated path to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269> in 00:00:00.0630758 ms
[02:09:38.698 D] Moving to next hop: <302.5556, 30.49297, 619.6822> (TurnInTag: Wafufu) D: 0.2771387
[02:09:38.764 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 79.01687
[02:09:38.768 D] Requesting path on 135 from <302.6237, 30.4394, 619.5368> to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:38.832 D] Generated path to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269> in 00:00:00.0643077 ms
[02:09:38.835 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 79.1981
[02:09:38.839 D] Requesting path on 135 from <302.8027, 30.4394, 619.241> to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:38.904 D] Generated path to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269> in 00:00:00.0645801 ms
[02:09:38.906 D] Moving to next hop: <302.5556, 30.49297, 619.6822> (TurnInTag: Wafufu) D: 0.9885859
[02:09:38.990 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 79.11398
[02:09:39.062 D] Requesting path on 135 from <302.6212, 30.4394, 619.7719> to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:39.129 D] Generated path to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269> in 00:00:00.0666386 ms
[02:09:39.151 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 79.14076
[02:09:39.218 D] Requesting path on 135 from <302.6654, 31.18899, 620.6737> to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:39.279 D] Generated path to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269> in 00:00:00.0607974 ms
[02:09:39.359 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 78.64522
[02:09:39.427 D] Requesting path on 135 from <301.8123, 31.18908, 620.6423> to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:39.532 D] Generated path to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269> in 00:00:00.1049076 ms
[02:09:39.560 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 78.32414
[02:09:39.627 D] Requesting path on 135 from <301.7566, 31.18909, 620.6535> to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:39.712 D] Generated path to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269> in 00:00:00.0852578 ms
[02:09:39.762 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 78.29956
[02:09:39.766 D] Requesting path on 135 from <301.7401, 31.18909, 620.6755> to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:39.854 D] Generated path to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269> in 00:00:00.0875863 ms
[02:09:39.899 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 78.28192
[02:09:39.966 D] Requesting path on 135 from <301.7221, 31.18909, 620.6995> to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269>
[02:09:40.076 D] Generated path to <225.3298, 14.09604, 621.0269> in 00:00:00.1103899 ms
[02:09:40.107 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 78.28192
[02:09:50.790 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0008288
[02:10:04.609 N] Sprinting
[02:10:04.609 D] DoAction Spell 3 0xE0000000
[02:10:05.829 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0010294
[02:10:20.865 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0017755
[02:10:34.638 N] Sprinting
[02:10:34.638 D] DoAction Spell 3 0xE0000000
Bump #53: lv41 gld stuck in same spot a few bumps ago, had to stop and go to the other building entrance:
[02:55:24.065 D] Interacting with Cid 0x11239B60
[02:56:09.227 N] [AutoEquip] Equipping item Heliodor Ring ( instead of Sphene Ring ( (slot: Ring1) - it scored 9.00 while the old scored 5.00
[02:56:09.233 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to MoveToTag: XYZ: <-415.9762, 225, -299.733>, Name: Cid, Distance: 3, UseMesh: True, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[02:56:09.233 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 5be9bb91-08ee-4a12-ac82-f0cf4dbba6a3
[02:56:09.752 N] [AutoEquip] Equipping item Sphene Ring ( instead of Copper Ring ( (slot: Ring2) - it scored 5.00 while the old scored 1.00
[02:56:10.258 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:01.0330416
[02:56:10.644 N] [PickupQuestTag] Picking up quest Influencing Inquisitors(66474) from Cid at <-415.9762, 225, -299.733>
[02:56:10.644 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to PickupQuestTag: IsDone: False, NpcId: 1006461, XYZ: <-415.9762, 225, -299.733>, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 66474, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: Influencing Inquisitors, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[02:56:10.644 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 3b13f75d-019f-43e9-85e6-e21337498f0c
[02:56:10.645 D] Interacting with Cid 0x11239B60
[02:56:13.607 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TalkToTag: IsDone: False, NpcId: 1006466, InteractDistance: 3, XYZ: <-410.2388, 218.1, -296.8643>, NPC: Joellaut 0x11222DC0, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[02:56:13.607 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 69d9abe8-144f-40f5-af7b-6faa9308dd0d
[02:56:13.608 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-416.2301, 225, -297.0274> to <-410.2388, 218.1, -296.8643>
[02:56:13.672 D] Generated path to <-410.2388, 218.1, -296.8643> in 00:00:00.0630487 ms
[02:56:13.674 D] Moving to next hop: <-417.9386, 221.5997, -288.7568> (TalkToTag: Joellaut) D: 9.104076
[02:56:15.087 D] Moving to next hop: <-418.3832, 221.5997, -287.9472> (TalkToTag: Joellaut) D: 1.355841
[02:56:15.232 D] Moving to next hop: <-419.1583, 221.5997, -287.7964> (TalkToTag: Joellaut) D: 1.093301
[02:56:15.302 D] Moving to next hop: <-420.2886, 221.5997, -287.7864> (TalkToTag: Joellaut) D: 1.753238
[02:56:15.503 D] Moving to next hop: <-420.8667, 221.5997, -288.3185> (TalkToTag: Joellaut) D: 1.169141
[02:56:15.570 D] Moving to next hop: <-420.9799, 221.5997, -289.0251> (TalkToTag: Joellaut) D: 1.294853
[02:56:15.700 D] Moving to next hop: <-421.0703, 218.3997, -295.0706> (TalkToTag: Joellaut) D: 7.148804
[02:56:16.651 D] Moving to next hop: <-420.9503, 218.1997, -296.2437> (TalkToTag: Joellaut) D: 1.994177
[02:56:16.860 D] Moving to next hop: <-420.4085, 218.1997, -296.7854> (TalkToTag: Joellaut) D: 1.337357
[02:56:16.991 D] Moving to next hop: <-420.0214, 218.1997, -296.4867> (TalkToTag: Joellaut) D: 0.6498813
[02:56:17.056 D] Moving to next hop: <-411.4714, 218.1997, -297.3367> (TalkToTag: Joellaut) D: 8.834363
[02:56:18.300 D] Interacting with Joellaut 0x11222DC0
[02:56:20.069 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TalkToTag: IsDone: False, NpcId: 1006441, InteractDistance: 3, XYZ: <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839>, NPC: Alboise 0x1123ECA0, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[02:56:20.069 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] fb07505d-8a5d-4527-8b31-107ce3b98388
[02:56:20.073 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-412.9528, 218.1, -297.1814> to <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839>
[02:56:20.177 D] Generated path to <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839> in 00:00:00.1041587 ms
[02:56:20.681 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 6.673333
[02:56:20.685 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-414.1392, 218.1, -295.0444> to <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839>
[02:56:20.791 D] Generated path to <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839> in 00:00:00.1057131 ms
[02:56:20.831 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 6.64416
[02:56:20.834 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-414.5602, 218.1, -294.3822> to <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839>
[02:56:20.942 D] Generated path to <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839> in 00:00:00.1078954 ms
[02:56:20.986 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 6.644833
[02:56:20.989 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-414.5741, 218.1, -294.3572> to <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839>
[02:56:21.091 D] Generated path to <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839> in 00:00:00.1020743 ms
[02:56:21.125 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 6.644833
[02:56:24.261 N] [AutoEquip] Equipping item Heliodor Ring ( into empty slot Ring1 - it scored 9.00
[02:56:24.795 N] [AutoEquip] Equipping item Sphene Ring ( instead of Heliodor Ring ( (slot: Ring2) - it scored 5.00 while the old scored 9.00
[02:56:25.344 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:01.0855890
[03:16:27.451 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TalkToTag: IsDone: False, NpcId: 1006441, InteractDistance: 3, XYZ: <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839>, NPC: Alboise 0x1123ECA0, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[03:16:27.451 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] d0a55933-f4f9-42bd-b4ff-e6916021a99d
[03:16:27.454 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-414.5626, 211.4575, -291.3938> to <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839>
[03:16:27.850 D] Generated path to <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839> in 00:00:00.3960390 ms
[03:16:27.942 D] Interacting with Alboise 0x1123ECA0
[03:16:29.476 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TalkToTag: IsDone: False, NpcId: 1007585, InteractDistance: 3, XYZ: <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>, NPC: Patrick 0x11234A20, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[03:16:29.476 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7c23ebc5-26b7-4c8a-a667-34f988263e52
[03:16:29.480 D] DoAction Mount 1 0xE0000000
[03:16:31.108 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-414.5566, 211.4575, -291.558> to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>
[03:16:31.232 D] Generated path to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357> in 00:00:00.1242411 ms
[03:16:31.755 D] Moving to next hop: <-418.9214, 211.4997, -291.3868> (TalkToTag: Patrick) D: 1.007419
[03:16:31.845 D] Moving to next hop: <-423.3714, 211.4997, -287.8868> (TalkToTag: Patrick) D: 6.005086
[03:16:32.491 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 43.01105
[03:16:32.561 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-423.5752, 211.4575, -287.7123> to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>
[03:16:32.617 D] Generated path to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357> in 00:00:00.0560527 ms
[03:16:32.631 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 41.92216
[03:16:32.700 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-423.9381, 212.4849, -286.8926> to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>
[03:16:32.756 D] Generated path to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357> in 00:00:00.0563516 ms
[03:16:32.931 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 42.53645
[03:16:33.003 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-423.1803, 211.4575, -288.3567> to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>
[03:16:33.083 D] Generated path to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357> in 00:00:00.0794520 ms
[03:16:33.282 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 43.00626
[03:16:33.351 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-423.4178, 211.4575, -287.7728> to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>
[03:16:33.409 D] Generated path to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357> in 00:00:00.0585532 ms
[03:16:33.421 D] Moving to next hop: <-423.3714, 211.4997, -287.8868> (TalkToTag: Patrick) D: 0.5406845
[03:16:33.490 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 42.70394
[03:16:33.559 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-423.1032, 211.4575, -288.546> to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>
[03:16:33.615 D] Generated path to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357> in 00:00:00.0552544 ms
[03:16:33.706 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 43.1491
[03:16:33.710 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-423.1065, 211.4575, -288.538> to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>
[03:16:33.767 D] Generated path to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357> in 00:00:00.0573567 ms
[03:16:33.781 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 42.65212
[03:16:33.853 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-423.5692, 211.4575, -287.4007> to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>
[03:16:33.919 D] Generated path to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357> in 00:00:00.0657364 ms
[03:16:33.925 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 42.21877
[03:16:33.929 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-423.591, 211.4575, -287.347> to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>
[03:16:33.981 D] Generated path to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357> in 00:00:00.0516445 ms
[03:16:34.002 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 42.21592
[03:16:34.074 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-423.5925, 211.4575, -287.3433> to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>
[03:16:34.128 D] Generated path to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357> in 00:00:00.0546193 ms
[03:16:34.146 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 42.21592
[03:16:41.851 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0030562
[03:16:46.749 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-423.5929, 211.4575, -287.3424> to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357>
[03:16:46.810 D] Generated path to <-462.2721, 211, -270.4357> in 00:00:00.0608313 ms
[03:16:46.817 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 42.21527
[03:16:56.899 D] Finished checking gear in 00:00:00.0012309
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