Please stop having a shitty nickname & being an inbred son of retard
So I don't get it. I am a noob or sorts, but these impatient folks are just ridiculous.
At least two months ago I researched how long HB would be down during the MoP update. I read posts stating that it could be upwards of a month or so b4 an update was released. So I started stockpiling shit. This seemed very simple. Now that the bot is down, I haz shit to sell... What retard doesn't have supplies stocked & then bitches about the bot being offline? If you were retarded enough to not forsee HB being offline (even though its was stated in Q&A posts months ago) then poo on you.
Hell, anything under a month is a win imo. So please stfu & and the devs update shit in peace...
Stop being retards, bitching about your individual lack of foresight. For the future get some banks & plan accordingly.
Thanks for calling everyone retards very good of you any other insults you want to throw at us while you are at it?
I bet you are a bundle of fun to be around.
After reading through 40+ pages since i went to bed last night and finding exactly one useful post (thanks Apoc), I personally hope the devs decide to take AT LEAST one more week before releasing anything. Hopefully after that period of time all the bitchy kids will have hung themselves and we won't have to listen to them ever again.
I assure you, there are private bots more capable than HB. And many public, even free, bots that can accomplish nearly everything HB does.
Because I use HB, doesn't mean I don't use other bots.
Because I use HB, doesn't mean I don't use other bots. Unlike a lot of people, I don't put all my eggs in one basket.
Any recommendation for an herbalism/mining bot?