Because when HB made changes to the core I wasn't able to keep it working as a plugin, for example if you're running Questing botbase and this as a plugin, botbase tells you to run to X, plugin tells you to run to Y (to pick up something), but botbase says, no, move to X, plugin says NO, move to Y, back and forth and you stutter back and forth doing nothing.Why did this change from a plugin to a bot base? It is virtually useless to me as a botbase. The functionality of having a plugin like this running while running a different questing profile was awesome!
Look 3 posts there an way you could make a plugin version?
As soon as I get some free time I will make this work for HB3, currently working 60 hour weeks so only thing I'm doing is work and sleep more or less.Two questions:
1. Will it work for HB3 anytime soon?
2. Could you make it to farm:
"Ancient Mana Chunk"
"Ancient Mana Shard"
Hmm... ok, so movement isn't working proparly.ran this Beta Version for a few hours last night.. it works great as long as i am just flying around. as soon as an herb popped up on mini map it zoomed to itbut if i wasn't holding down the "W" key to fly it just sat stationary ... hope this helps
LOL, ok that's a bit oddmovement is working great now TYVM!! but.. now .. on an 89 druid in Northern Barrens .. drops travel form .. pops into feral.. picks flower.. pops back in travel and flies off ... wasn't doing this before
It's still in beta phase.can't get access to this botbase on the store... it says "Not on sale" is this still on?