1 - How can I turn off the usage of GP for Yolofarm items?
2 - It doesnt do any of the collectibles Ive set. It goes to the node fine.. and then just sits there doing nothing. Why?
3 - The churning Mists node has the chocobo miss the small island and it proceeds to go all the way to the bottom of the map where it can no longer get any lower -_-. Why?
Thanks for the great profile, its been working great except for the BTN Ephemeral Nodes in Coerthas Western Highlands. After initially hitting the ephemeral node it will get stuck in a weird jumping animation which does not stop until i restart the bot. Then it will occasionally get stuck auto running towards one of the walls on the west nodes as it trys to "touch and go". Is there a fix for this or a way to remove farming sands for that time and zone?
Entrax , what should my settings be if i'm trying to farm dawnborne aethersands?
It seems to farm a lot of duskbornes :/
<!-- EphemeralFarm Settings -->
<!ENTITY Farm_Sand_Collect_Rate "460">
<!ENTITY EphemeralFarm_Furrymint "1">
<!ENTITY EphemeralFarm_BlackSoil "0">
<!ENTITY CordialType_Ephemeral "Cordial">
<!ENTITY CordialTime_Ephemeral "None">
<!-- Node Settings -->
<!ENTITY BTN_4_8 "1">
<!ENTITY MIN_8_12 "1">
<!ENTITY BTN_16_20 "1">
<!ENTITY MIN_20_24 "1">
Idylshire fix on SVN, i'll post an update here when i'm done with adding new stuffSo i downloaded a clean copy, wanted to try to get this to do the EphemeralFarm
<!ENTITY YoloFarm "0">
<!ENTITY EphemeralFarm "1">
<!ENTITY TinyScripsFarm "0">
<!-- EphemeralFarm Settings -->
<!ENTITY Farm_Sand_Collect_Rate "346">
<!ENTITY EphemeralFarm_Furrymint "1">
<!ENTITY EphemeralFarm_BlackSoil "0">
<!ENTITY CordialType_Ephemeral "Cordial">
<!ENTITY CordialTime_Ephemeral "None">
<!-- Node Settings -->
<!ENTITY BTN_4_8 "1">
<!ENTITY MIN_8_12 "1">
<!ENTITY BTN_16_20 "1">
<!ENTITY MIN_20_24 "1">
When i try to run code with this after changing the gearset changes to my gear sets it just teleports to ildyshire and freaks out after trying the aetheryte?
<!-- Idyllshire Aetherite click teleport to Eastern Hinterland-->
<CodeChunk Name="useAethernetWH">
<![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.GameObjectManager.GetObjectByNPCId(75).Interact(); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); if (ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectString.IsOpen) ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectString.ClickSlot(0); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); if (ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectString.IsOpen) ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectString.ClickSlot(1); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(3000); ]]>
<!-- Idyllshire Aetherite click teleport to Western Hinterland-->
<CodeChunk Name="useAethernetWH">
<![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.GameObjectManager.GetObjectByNPCId(75).Interact(); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); if (ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectString.IsOpen) ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectString.ClickSlot(0); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); if (ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectString.IsOpen) ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectString.ClickSlot(2); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(3000); ]]>
<ExLog Color="#FFFF00" Name="GatherManager &Version;" Message="[BTN] EphemeralFarm [4:8] ~ Destination ----> The Answering Quarter"/>
<TeleportTo Force="True" Name="Idyllshire" AetheryteId="75"/>
<RunCode Name="BTN"/>
<ExMoveTo XYZ="71.70625, 209, -18.7505455" Distance="10"/>
<RunCode Name="useAethernetEH"/>
<RunCode Name="MoveForward"/>
<!-- Walking movement after teleport to pass through the gate so that your flying chocobo don't get stuck sometimes -->
<ExMoveTo XYZ="-530, 150, -471" Distance="5"/>
<ExFlyTo XYZ="-470.2735, 167.3033, -139.4283" Radius="3.0"/>
<ExLog Color="#FFFF00" Name="GatherManager &Version;" Message="[MIN] Cuprite or Light Kidney Ore"/>
<TeleportTo Force="True" Name="Idyllshire" AetheryteId="75"/>
<!--<RunCode Name="MIN"/>-->
<ExMoveTo XYZ="71.70625, 209, -18.7505455" Distance="10"/>
<RunCode Name="useAethernetWH"/>
<!-- Walking movement after teleport to pass through the gate so that your flying chocobo don't get stuck sometimes -->
<ExMoveTo XYZ="-216, 103, -584" Distance="5"/>
<ExFlyTo Radius="3.0" XYZ="665.7573, 216.7327, 331.6227"/>
<CodeChunk Name="MIN">
<![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("[B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#FF0000"]/gs change 13[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]"); ............
<CodeChunk Name="BTN">
<![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("[B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#FF0000"]/gs change 14[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]"); ..........
<CodeChunk Name="FSH">
<![CDATA[ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("[B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#FF0000"]/gs change 5"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]);]]> ...........
<CodeChunk name="FOOD">
............. if (item.EnglishName == [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#FF0000"]"Trapper's Quiche"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] ) ..............
I fly to the first location then just sit there until the node disappears the teleport back to holding location. all I ever get is a No viable path message.
View attachment 196186