Getting hung up at a spot for Tigers Eye
[20:01:39.719 N] Gathering ItemName:Raw Tiger's Eye Chance:88 HqChance:9 Amount:1 RawItemId:12552
[20:01:49.987 V] [ExGather v3.1.0.1512060] Finished gathering from Mineral Deposit with 62 GP at 7:28 AM ET
[20:01:49.988 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Node is gone
[20:01:50.055 N] [ExGather v3.1.0.1512060] Node set -> Mineral Deposit 0x116D42C0
[20:01:50.055 D] [POI Set] Type: Gather, Name: Mineral Deposit, ObjectId: 4000033E, NpcId: 0, Location: <288.4626, -101.6914, 344.4234>
[20:01:50.086 N] [ExGather v3.1.0.1512060] GatherSpot set -> GatherSpot: { NodeLocation: <288.4626, -101.6914, 344.4234> }
[20:01:50.118 D] DoAction Mount 62 0xE0000000
[20:01:51.921 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 398 from <262.3859, -107.2949, 382.8604> to <288.4626, -101.6914, 344.4234>
[20:01:51.921 N] [FlightNav] Found existing path to <288.4626, -101.6914, 344.4234> using 11 hops in 00:00:00.0000844 ms
[20:01:51.953 N] [FlightNav] Collision detected! Generating new path!
[20:01:51.985 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 398 from <262.3859, -107.2949, 382.8604> to <288.4626, -101.6914, 344.4234>
[20:01:51.985 N] [FlightNav] Found existing path to <288.4626, -101.6914, 344.4234> using 11 hops in 00:00:00.0000714 ms
[20:01:52.023 N] [FlightMover] Started Takeoff Task
[20:01:52.023 V] [FlightMover] Created new Takeoff Coroutine
[20:01:52.023 V] [FlightMover] Resumed Takeoff Coroutine
[20:01:52.441 N] [FlightMover] Takeoff took 00:00:00.4178180 ms or less
[20:01:53.422 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <275.3668, -91.32349, 371.1361> (Mineral Deposit) D: 10.87288
[20:01:53.956 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <276.8219, -91.33731, 368.168> (Mineral Deposit) D: 3.435342
[20:01:54.091 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <278.277, -89.99252, 365.2> (Mineral Deposit) D: 4.257685
[20:01:54.287 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <279.7321, -89.98947, 362.2319> (Mineral Deposit) D: 3.644382
[20:01:54.459 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <281.1872, -90.65427, 359.2638> (Mineral Deposit) D: 3.563469
[20:01:54.625 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <282.6422, -93.41928, 356.2957> (Mineral Deposit) D: 4.519199
[20:01:54.823 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <284.0973, -95.65211, 353.3276> (Mineral Deposit) D: 4.544999
[20:01:55.022 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <285.5524, -95.06368, 350.3596> (Mineral Deposit) D: 3.77123
[20:01:55.188 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <287.0075, -98.21913, 347.3915> (Mineral Deposit) D: 4.89662
[20:01:55.421 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <288.4626, -100.8932, 344.4234> (Mineral Deposit) D: 4.50373
[20:01:55.521 N] [FlightMover] Started Landing Task
[20:01:56.658 D] Interacting with Mineral Deposit 0x116D42C0
[20:01:57.572 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction2D. from <287.7739, -101.592, 346.1355> to <291.7142, -101.592, 350.2118>
[20:01:57.586 N] [FlightMover] Created new Landing Unstuck Coroutine, moving to <291.7142, -103.8352, 350.2118>
[20:01:57.586 V] [FlightMover] Resumed Landing Unstuck Coroutine
[20:01:57.694 N] [FlightMover] Landing cancelled after 00:00:02.1720351 ms. New destination requested.
[20:01:58.717 N] [ExGather v3.1.0.1512060] Gathering Window didn't open: Re-attempting to move into place. 1/5
Think that's the log section for it. I haven't tried going after Ebony Logs again since I last posted, been leveling alt. Still think it's not working though, even with discovery turned on.