Same here. First time user, got this "no routines loaded" error.
[02:00:43.193 N] Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.893.297
[02:00:48.390 N] Logging in...
[02:00:50.571 N] Login Success!
[02:00:51.752 D] First CPU: AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor
[02:00:51.752 D] OS Version: Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
[02:00:51.752 D] App Path: D:\BuddyWing\Buddywing.exe
[02:00:51.827 D] Current build number: 925291
[02:00:51.827 D] Loading client.gom..
[02:00:51.896 D] Loaded client.gom!
[02:00:52.167 D] Took 267ms to get the nodes list.
[02:00:52.167 D] There are 25982 nodes.
[02:00:52.167 D] DomList has 4294967295/6598320
[02:00:52.206 D] spnOracle handled.
[02:00:52.206 D] ablOracle handled.
[02:00:52.206 D] cnvOracle handled.
[02:00:52.206 D] ctlOracle handled.
[02:00:52.207 D] _InputHandler handled.
[02:00:52.208 D] mapOracle handled.
[02:00:52.208 D] scSpaceCombatOracle handled.
[02:00:52.238 D] gmOracle handled.
[02:00:52.238 D] Debug Draw Oracle added.
[02:00:52.238 D] dbgDrawOracle handled.
[02:00:52.448 D] guiApiGfx handled.
[02:00:52.451 D] ablTrainerOracle handled.
[02:00:52.455 D] prfOracle handled.
[02:00:52.486 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCamera - 3B9B127D
[02:00:52.486 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.487 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMouse - 3B9B128A
[02:00:52.487 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.487 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMovement - 3B9B128E
[02:00:52.487 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.488 D] Adding input layer ctlInputVehicle - 3B9B12A3
[02:00:52.488 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.488 D] Adding input layer ctlInputTargetting - 3B9B12AF
[02:00:52.488 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.489 D] Adding input layer ctlInputGame - 3B9B12D1
[02:00:52.489 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.492 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUI - 3B9B1318
[02:00:52.492 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.493 D] Adding input layer ctlInputConvo - 3B9B1348
[02:00:52.493 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.494 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCharacterSelection - 3B9B135A
[02:00:52.494 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.495 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCreditsScreen - 3B9B1360
[02:00:52.495 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.495 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUtility - 3B9B1362
[02:00:52.495 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.495 D] Adding input layer ctlInputLoadingScreen - 3B9B136D
[02:00:52.496 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[02:00:52.720 D] _BaseClient handled.
[02:00:52.720 D] utlStaticDefinitions handled.
[02:00:52.720 D] strOracle handled.
[02:00:52.721 D] chrOracle handled.
[02:00:52.721 D] qstOracle handled.
[02:00:52.726 D] Took 558ms to process the node list
[02:00:53.508 N] User is a Consular
[02:00:53.508 V] Routine Path: Routines
[02:00:54.474 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - Initializing
[02:00:57.249 N] Compiler Error: d:\BuddyWing\Routines\WingIt\CreateBTPS\Fundamental.cs(49,57) : error CS0426: O nome de tipo 'ContractPredicateDelegate' n?o existente no tipo 'WingIt.Logger'
[02:00:57.249 N] Compiler Error: d:\BuddyWing\Routines\WingIt\CreateBTPS\Fundamental.cs(50,57) : error CS0426: O nome de tipo 'StringProviderDelegate' n?o existente no tipo 'WingIt.Logger'
[02:00:57.251 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
[02:00:57.251 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[02:00:57.253 N] Unhandled exception during init: System.InvalidOperationException: No routines were loaded. Please ensure there is a routine for your class before starting the bot.
em Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine()
em Buddywing.MainWindow.()
[02:00:57.253 N] Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
[02:01:24.515 N] Current bot set to Quest Bot
[02:01:24.518 N] Loaded profile [R - Light] 1-10 Knight and Consular - Tython [Kick]
[02:01:39.396 N] Sell quality set to Premium.
[02:01:44.754 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[02:01:44.755 D] BotMain.Start() called
[02:01:46.577 D] System.InvalidOperationException: No routines were loaded. Please ensure there is a routine for your class before starting the bot.
em Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine()
em Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain..Invoke(Object& instance, Arguments arguments, Object aspectArgs)
em PostSharp.Aspects.Internals.MethodInterceptionArgsImpl.Proceed()
em Buddy.Common.Aspects.LogMethodAttribute.OnInvoke(MethodInterceptionArgs args)
em Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.Start()
em Buddywing.MainWindow.HandleStartStopClicked(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)