View attachment 2012-07-14 11.16.txt, here is my log file, it?s been a while i?ve been fighting against this error any help would be welcome.
View attachment 48028, here is my log file, it?s been a while i?ve been fighting against this error any help would be welcome.
Did exactly what u told me to do.... and still the same error.
View attachment 48142, Well guys if some1 could help me here is my teamviewer info.
login 739 693 917
pass mrh359
Well i thank u very much for coming to my computer to take a look, i made a mistake, but even with the correction BuddyWing is saying there is no routines loaded View attachment 2012-07-15 14.23.txt. And this time the directory structure is the same as of ur little help manual.Fixed now yes?
Well i thank u very much for coming to my computer to take a look, i made a mistake, but even with the correction BuddyWing is saying there is no routines loaded View attachment 48151. And this time the directory structure is the same as of ur little help manual.
View attachment 48152View attachment 48153, well deleted the assemblies folder, and still getting the damned error.i bought this bot and i simply can?t use it, it?s just too complicated,don?t know if it?s worth the money i spent on it. I wish some1 from the buddy group could come and help me.
it would be interesting to have an ideia coming from some1 else cuz i bought this bot, paid like everyone else, i think it?s more than a courtesy to some1 from the dev team to help me out with this issue, if there is some1else reading this topic.
I?m not saying anytime that the help from sneakyman wasn?t enough. In fact it was very good once he thought me stuff about SVN, and Wing It. All i mean is that there should be a body inside BWDEV team some1 to pick these smallers problems and try to solve it. Cuz it?s completely unfair for me that just bought the bot, not being able to use it. While spending days of my license. I?m completely thankful to any help coming from anyone at all times.
View attachment 48028, here is my log file, it?s been a while i?ve been fighting against this error any help would be welcome.
I'm having the same problem it just keeps saying things like:
Unhandled exception during init: System.InvalidOperationException: No routines were loaded. Please ensure there is a routine for your class before starting the bot.
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine()