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Ninja patch?

well, because other bots are already patched and running, I exptect that tomo all will works again.)
Anyone knows how long it can take till hb is working again?

The devs have to pick through the patch to make sure that the security in place in HB has not been circumvented and that the API has not been wildly changed. I've seen it take 2 hours up to a week. It's the price we pay for a bot that will not get us banned if used responsibly. Keep an eye out from a mod for an update thread.
I love how everyone has a case of "carpal tunnel" when it comes to justifying the use of bots.
I could give you my medical history. It would make you absolutely cringe. Simple fact is when on this many pain meds, the only way my arm and back make it through 5 hours of playing is with assistance. And yeah I'll even be "that guy" who claims I don't use the bot for gold except for what a normal player would make through questing and such.
well, because other bots are already patched and running, I exptect that tomo all will works again.)

Every patch, every time. You use this bot because I expect you wanted a superior product... If you don't want that, go use those other bots, myself, nor anyone here will care. The devs will release when they feel the bot will work securely. They had a fast release with launch, and I'm sure this won't be too much different.
My Raid is in 3.5 Hours, If the bot is up that is nice, if not I have healed as my class before just not legit since Cata. Thankfully the other healers are all really good so I can slack a little.
Classic blizzard to keep bots out the first raid night, but ive seen this in the past so i loged in when servers came up, and sticked to that working client untill the raid ended 20 mins ago.
( i can still close honor buddy and get the updates tuanha made to the shaman routine while i was killing bosses in highmaul)

so now my wow is updateing and i will clean my pc to night while sleeping :D
Sooo ... damn, just got DCd :). Anyway to log back on? (Detailed pls). Have not downloaded patch.
My hbrelog bots are working fine, I did get the server incompatible message on logon though. Trying to log on manually wont work though.

Hmm, tried to get a new profile running; not working
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quote that :)

New Sig... forever.

Originally Posted by grumpyhaus

Not me.. I'm just a cheating piece of shit that enjoys an unfair advantage over other people.