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New Warrior CC - taking expressions of interest

Do we need a new Warrior CC

  • Yes - We need a new Warrior CC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - We DON'T need a new Warrior CC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't really care I don't play a Warrior and havn't looked at whats available

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I just like voting in polls so I chose this option - and this poll has chocolate cake

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Community Developer
Jan 15, 2010
New Warrior CC (Alpha testing now)

Ok, lets see how many people are interested in an new Warrior CC. Tell me what you want and I'll see what I can do.

As usual, it will be based on my CC template. So it will support the following:
  • ALL 3 talent trees
  • Level 1 to 80
  • PVE / PVP
  • RAF - Pickup aggro where required
  • Sword and Board / 2 Handers
  • Ranged pull / Melee pull / Charge etc
  • AoE grinding / Multiple mob pulling (see my hunter CC)
PS I'll take you up on that $50 offer :D

EDIT: Here is a "proof of concept build" from a few hours work this afternoon. It has literally had 3 hours of testing, so if its buggy as hell you've been warned.

Currently supported abilities are:
  • Healing - Potions / Gift of Naaru (bandages coming)
  • Charge / Intercept
  • Buffs - Battle Shout / Commanding Shout
  • Thunderclap
  • Rend
  • Heroic Strike (after X rage generated so not burn it all)
  • Victory Rush
  • Overpower
  • Shield Bash (silence casters)
  • Execute
  • Hamstring (humanoid runners @ 30%)
  • Cleave (on adds)
  • Retaliation (on adds)
  • Demo Shout (on adds)
  • Revenge
  • Shield Block
  • Defensive stance and all associated spells / abilities
Its limited, as I've only been testing on a low level character.
It WILL work from level 1. (needs another test run just to make sure after all the changes)
It [probably] won't work in PVP as its not been tested

EDIT: Second build has been uploaded. Added a few more spells, better management of abilities when dealing with adds. Will grind in Defensive Stance if you so wish (manually put it in defensive stance) and use abilities appropriately.

When should your use Bandages? Bandage during combat when 1 mob is left alive? Let me know how you want bandages implemented.

AoE grinding?
Do you want AoE grinding? When you have X number of mobs what spells do you want to spam, Thunderclap and Cleave?

EDIT: OK, so it's taken me a little while to relearn how to play the DPS warrior (it has been about six months after all). The following rotation and spec will be implemented.

- Fury
  • It is assumed you'll be dual wielding
  • Will swap to Berserker stance
  • Rotation will be Bloodthirst --> (if instant) Slam --> Whirlwind.
  • Heroic strike will be used as a rage dump at 50+ rage
- Arms
  • It is assumed you'll be using a 2 hander
  • Will swap to Battle stance
  • Heroic Strike will be used as a rage dump at 50+ rage
  • This will be the recommended AoE grinding spec
All long cooldown abilities will be used appropriately of cause.

EDIT: Build 0.3 uploaded Lots of features and such.

EDIT: Build 0.4. Full support for Defence spec grinding. This does not yet include RAF support - its coming.

EDIT: This is the final build before public release. A number of spells only cast when in correct stance. Will perform a rage level check before attempting to cast spells. It will do a minor stance dance when approaching a mob, if you're in Def or Berserker it will quickly swap to Battle stance in order to cast Charge - some logic checks are performed before doing this.


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* Speed! Thats what I want from a warrior CC.
* A working RAF logic (as u describe)
Would love to see a new CC for warriors :)

But you have already listed the things im looking for...

* ALL 3 talent trees
* Level 1 to 80
* RAF - Pickup aggro where required
* Sword and Board / 2 Handers
* Ranged pull / Melee pull / Charge etc
* AoE grinding / Multiple mob pulling (see my hunter CC)
This would be awesome! An efficient warrior CC has me salivating... yeah... I'm pretty lame. :)
It seems that this has more response than the warlock CC m8.
GL making one ^^
But at least people are using the poll in the warlock thread. They are not here, so far I only have 4 people saying yes it needs a new CC. Those are not convincing numbers so far.

EDIT: AH CRAP .... I didn't vote in the poll myself so I didn't see that anyone else had voted. :D I guess I'll get something under way :)
But at least people are using the poll in the warlock thread. They are not here, so far I only have 4 people saying yes it needs a new CC. Those are not convincing numbers so far.

EDIT: AH CRAP .... I didn't vote in the poll myself so I didn't see that anyone else had voted. :D I guess I'll get something under way :)

I totally voted. :)
17 to 1, I think I know what you're going to be working on next :P
17 to 1, I think I know what you're going to be working on next :P

Yeah I guess so :)

I'm going to do a bit of work on my CC template before I work on the warrior CC. So it will probably be a couple of days before I get started on this.
Fpsware my offer still stands..

Chemdawg, I'm not sure if you're familiar with my work but I'll let my previous CC's talk themselves :)

Tell me exactly what you want and CC and I'll see about getting it done.
My warrior is prot.. but if your going to work on a CC for warriors i want others to be able to use it.. get on the chat so i can PM you..
"I just like voting in polls so I chose this option - and this poll has chocolate cake" Lol that has one vote, it wasnt me honest. I voted for a new CC.
Yeah I guess so :)

I'm going to do a bit of work on my CC template before I work on the warrior CC. So it will probably be a couple of days before I get started on this.

I don't suppose you're willing to share that Template? Might give me some ideas on things to improve in the Lock CC to make it better :)
All of my CCs (except the Rogue) are based on my standard template. The Hunter CC had some large modifications to the template, and as it was a huge success I'm adding those modifications to the standard template.
All of my CCs (except the Rogue) are based on my standard template. The Hunter CC had some large modifications to the template, and as it was a huge success I'm adding those modifications to the standard template.

I'll trade you cake for it when you're done.
i stopped leveling my warrior because it was so slow/inefficient. a new cc would be great.
i stopped leveling my warrior because it was so slow/inefficient. a new cc would be great.

What did you find slow and inefficient about it? What would you prefer to CC to do, what combat sequence do you want it to perform?
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