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OP, most of the items you're looking for are in the FAQ thread... as far as the hunter one, you have to put it into your CC folder and overwrite it. sometimes you need to clear your cache. if theres still a prob, delete all CC's in the CC folder except for the hunter one
I suggested you take the time to read the guides and watch the videos. This by far the most userfriendly, easiest to setup bot, on the market. Its damn near download click and go. Once you've read and watched you'll understand better the terms and advice given you in this thread. Just do 20 to 30 minutes of reading and you'll be up and running in no time.
Now im testing with a mage, but img getting this message
"Building spell book
Adding: Arcane Resistance.
Adding: Auto Attack.
Adding: Dodge.
Adding: Engineering Specialization.
Adding: Escape Artist.
Adding: Expansive Mind.
Adding: Shoot.
Adding: Fireball.
Adding: Frost Armor.
Spell book built
No combat class loaded.
No combat class loaded.
No combat class loaded.
Stopping Honorbuddy.
Loading C:\Users\Fredrik Kleppe\Desktop\Ivar\CustomClasses\Mage.cs.
LoadProfileDet er ugyldige data p? rotniv?. Linje 1, plassering 1.
Translate via google : There is invalid data at the root level. Line 1, position 1
I just bought HB. I want to level my druid from 70 to 80.
Load a Mesh, a Profile and a Druid Plugin. Standing in Tundra.
But if i push the button to start he said "select logic type first". What does that mean.
If somebody is german here please explain in german what i have to do
It really is as simple as loading a 1-60 profile (or 60-70,70-80) , placing your character in the correct zone and clicking start.
The CC loads itself and mesh loads itself based on which profile you have loaded.