utter bullshit, if you are talking about flying around gathering herbs and ores to make gold. you could fire up 5 instances of pirox, leave on a weeks vacation, and have an excellent chance that all would still be running perfect when you get back, no downtime no errors. They would follow a random online/offline schedule, visit all zones, use any variety of profiles, mail and AH everything and deposit to guildbank, deal with whispers / followers, never an error, never any human intervention.
I consider it a major stroke of luck if GB2 manages to run for 3 hours in a row without some major fuckup requiring a manual fix. stuck on a branch, stuck in combat, stuck on evading mob, HB crashed, HB server down, 99 other bizarre things. And all the numerous plugins designed to (maybe sortof) deal with this crap have their own variety of errors that never end. just getting something basic and simple like relogging schedule going is a nightmare with how buggy HBrelog / Arelog are.