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Cheers mate. i think there just was not any around, because about 10 minutes after my last post, my buddy managed to get the mount +++ awsome job on this profile
i have been running this profile for 2 days (about 4/5 hours a day). I have got rarekiller 3 active.
the bot has found 2 figurines but each time it found it, it made my game crash. Luckily i was around so i did it manually. that means i cannot afk this profile. anyone got a solution to this?
Ty you very very much for this profile, Last night I finally found the mount after spending /played 30 days flying in uldum and finding 62 fake figurines.. But ey I got it now, ty again for this awsome profile
Hello, I am having some troubles. I have left the bot on for about 3 weeks straight, no break, and it has yet to find anything. I followed all of your instructions and I am still confused why it is not working. It's patrolling around Uldum but I think it may be too high in the air to detect the figurines or something.
Here are the settings I have for Gaatherbuddy: Paths
Height Modifier: 0
Pathing Type: Circle
Randomize Hotspots: "Unchecked"
Randomization Factor: 1
Mining/herbalism: "Unchecked"
Don't ninja nodes: Checked
Ignore nodes with elites around: Checked
Face nodes before harvesting: Checked
Mount Name: 60002
Stop after how many hours?: 0
Loot Mobs: Checked
The only thing that it could be wrong is the Mount Name, I know on NPCscan there are different numbers for the figuires, is the mount name number I have in there correct for this bot? If not can anyone give it to me please?
I get an occasional disconnect every now and then but I just turn it off, overnight when I sleep it seems to not disconnect. The script has to be bugged or I am doing something wrong.
Is this suppose to farm herbs and Ores? The only thing it does is farming herbs and ores.
Anyone can help?
and could someone explain to me if I need this plugin everyone is talking about or not? If I do could someone please tell me how can I install it? or give me a link to a guide
Spent 6 hours farming using this profile and what do you know! Got my camel figurine just like that, and now I have my mount couldn't of worked any better! Thanks for an awesome profile!