Hello! Thanks for a really great profile, Ive been using it for some days. Finally got my turtle, lost it first night because he didnt mail nor sell. I then set my lootfilter to remove the fishes and I got the turtle again!
Props for creating this one. I'll post my logs
1st night.
[07:14:02:804] AutoAngler[2.89]: Equipping weapons
[07:14:02:881] AutoAngler[2.89]: In 0 days, 7 hours and 38 minutes we have caught
[07:14:02:881] AutoAngler[2.89]: Fangtooth Herring x988
[07:14:02:881] AutoAngler[2.89]: Pygmy Suckerfish x642
[07:14:02:881] AutoAngler[2.89]: Reinforced Crate x48
[07:14:02:882] AutoAngler[2.89]: Crystallized Water x46
[07:14:02:882] AutoAngler[2.89]:
Sea Turtle x1 Too bad it didnt get looted
2nd Day.
[22:20:44:388] AutoAngler[2.89]: In 0 days, 6 hours and 35 minutes we have caught
[22:20:44:388] AutoAngler[2.89]: Fangtooth Herring x830
[22:20:44:388] AutoAngler[2.89]: Pygmy Suckerfish x567
[22:20:44:388] AutoAngler[2.89]: Crystallized Water x35
[22:20:44:388] AutoAngler[2.89]: Reinforced Crate x50
[22:20:44:388] AutoAngler[2.89]: Borean Leather Scraps x4
[22:20:44:388] AutoAngler[2.89]: Cobalt Ore x2
Day 3
[23:58:12:766] AutoAngler[2.89]: In 0 days, 8 hours and 13 minutes we have caught
[23:58:12:766] AutoAngler[2.89]: Fangtooth Herring x1020
[23:58:12:766] AutoAngler[2.89]: Pygmy Suckerfish x688
[23:58:12:766] AutoAngler[2.89]: Crystallized Water x51
[23:58:12:766] AutoAngler[2.89]: Reinforced Crate x43
[23:58:12:766] AutoAngler[2.89]: Dark Herring x6
Day 4
[19:50:05:560] AutoAngler[2.89]: In 0 days, 4 hours and 54 minutes we have caught
[19:50:05:560] AutoAngler[2.89]: Crystallized Water x36
[19:50:05:560] AutoAngler[2.89]: Pygmy Suckerfish x411
[19:50:05:560] AutoAngler[2.89]: Fangtooth Herring x604
[19:50:05:560] AutoAngler[2.89]: Reinforced Crate x35
[19:50:05:560] AutoAngler[2.89]: Dark Herring x2
Day 5
[23:07:10:368] AutoAngler[2.89]: In 0 days, 2 hours and 7 minutes we have caught
[23:07:10:368] AutoAngler[2.89]: Fangtooth Herring x278
[23:07:10:368] AutoAngler[2.89]: Pygmy Suckerfish x184
[23:07:10:368] AutoAngler[2.89]: Crystallized Water x21
[23:07:10:368] AutoAngler[2.89]: Reinforced Crate x11
[23:07:10:368] AutoAngler[2.89]: Sea Turtle x1
[23:07:10:368] AutoAngler[2.89]: Dark Herring x1
Finally got it! Thank you sir for both the dark herring achi and the sea turtle, + rep to you!