Super Nerfed, 6 hours running, 3 legendaries only. T4, about 25 sec kill the Manglemaw.
Barb. T4. Currently running.
If you think it's super nerfed, then you should probably start running Core of Arreat. I had similar results there.
About 3.1 lp/hr. Sample was ~12hr. (Ran on normal)
===== Misc Statistics =====
Total tracking time: 2h 12m 14s
Total deaths: 0 [0 per hour]
Total games (approx): 113 [51,27 per hour]
Total XP gained: 282772,18 million [128296,53 million per hour]
Total Gold gained: 844,37 Thousand [383,1 Thousand per hour]
Items picked up by quality:
- Rare: 90 [40,83 per hour] {91,84 %}
- Legendary: 8 [3,63 per hour] {8,16 %}