This profile acts differently on different characters.Well, that's not very helpful.
I tried it with my demon hunter and my crusader. Even if the bot is being attacked by Manglemaw, it still tries to teleport out.
I'm using firewalkers - Manglemaw appears the moment I step into the area. Does not happen with my wizard, tho. Odd.
- bot will now faster entering to the boss if chest/shrine/pool dont apear
- added BigBenAlternative version, for those who cant break the door and have issues with boss appearance, with it boss will always break the door himself
Code:v0.6 - bot will now faster entering to the boss if chest/shrine/pool dont apear - added BigBenAlternative version, for those who cant break the door and have issues with boss appearance, with it boss will always break the door himself
1 legendary in 3 hours u sure its not fixed?
too low games per hour = your hero need updateme too...
2 hours and not a single leg drop xD
only human bones ... bot dont pick up that leg mat dont know why -.-
t3 --> 48 games / hour
i also tried t6 --> 28-30 games / hour same SH**!
MF 56%