I'll Look into it, there's something wrong with cast on ground in your log,will Test in the evening,haven't encountered this issue on dummies in garrisonHi,
yesterday I treid Necrophilia and I did 12,5k dps with a Unholy dk iLvl 635 on the training dummys in Ashran.
SimCraft shows me 18k dps
Is it because Necrophilia or my gear stats? Str > Mastery > Multi > Crit > I dont have enchants
Ps sorry for my bad english
the trial is the store version, there is no difference, only the access time is limited for the trial timeis the one week trial from buddystore exactly the same as the paid version? might be a dumb question but somehow i cant get it to work, other crs from weischbier are just working fine. but this one wants to spam abilities that are on CD / on targets that are out of line. will try a new HB install for now.
First of all, thanks for the updates and everything.
I have a "little" request, of course if possible... so i guess i don't need to provide log:
*this request is for all specs i guess (but mainly for blood)*
Is it possible to have a special hotkey to activate ONLY single dps rotation (no spread, no aoe, etc...)?
At the moment the routine have two modes :
- multi targets mode (aoe) = good rotation
- and automatic mode(aoe when it detects alot of enemies) = good rotation also.
The thing is when you're tanking mobs near CC (crowdcontrol) mobs, blood boil and other spread (like Unholy Blight) will break the C/C... And this situation will happen even if both mode are disable (so no aoe). get it ?
So, is it possible to keep the two modes (which are fine) but to add a special mode for challenge mode or special raid boss ? this mode will have only spell that DON'T spread aoe/deal damage to other enemies than your target (so no more bloodboil, no more spread, no more defile EVEN if it's the best for your single rotation)?
Thank you, i hope you understand my message.
sorry for my poor english.
if u start with enyo/raidbot/lazyraider/combatbot it will by default only perform the singletarget rotation
Blood Boil is part of the single-target rotation to spent the runes for getting deathrunes ... so u have to separate your mob from the CCed group (but will look at it if i can add a condition for these CCed mobs)
But you are right, unholy blight is wrong placed, this has not to be casted in single target rotation ...
but like stated some posts back, i'll rework the blood dk within the next days, since he is currently using the cooldowns the wrong ways, while doin this i'll look at the rotation again and fix these issues
Yeah i know bloodboil and defile are the best for single rotation, but you know, i have to stop the bot (alt+x with enyo) completely sometimes in challenge mode because the bloodboil and other stuff will break the c/c![]()
So yeah, if you have time theses days for this (i dont know if that happens in unholy, maybe yes with defile) "request", i would apreciate alot.
thanks again for your comprehension
All speccs
- Defile, Death and Decay, Blood Boil, Unholy Blight will not be used when Crowd Controlled Units are around us, (i won't remove Howling Blast from Frost, this would be a to big dps decrease!)
About this, don't know if it's linked to my previous messages, but again, i think the best is to have a hotkey to activate or desactivate this feature. Why ? because sometimes you will deal damage to a pack of mob you need to aoe, and the healer will (for example) cast a hex to decast one of the mob i'm tanking, but i still want to AoE.
And sometimes, I'd like to NOT spread because the cc will be usefull. And for that, i'd like to activate or desactivate it myself if possible.
Yeah okay, make more sense now. Last question, what did you include in crowdcontrol ? What kind of spell i mean ? Not stun right ? Just to know if the bot will stop aoe for every "cc"
thanks again