Hey man again great work on the profile had it going overnight and made some good g, a couple things I noticed though after the first pull, you have him dismount and fight in the centre of the cuddlesack. If you could allow him to engage the fight on the path it would be great.. my character when fighting would evade the stun and be stuck up against the wall and continue running against the wall which would cause it to die this did not happen all the time however. The next thing I noticed was pretty funny too me because it didn't happen all the time and I wondered why I was dying on my advance to the third pull.. What is happening, well depending on your mount size the path you have the bot run on goes underneath a branch which will dismount you depending on your mount size if you have random mounts enabled.. so for me I am dismounted and begin to walk collecting all of the third pull getting slowed and eventually dying as it gathers a tender which uses a silence.. So if you could change this part of the path the bot runs that would be great (Up the Alley 2nd Set of Plants After Witheroot). Why change this! well I also found out depending on your mount size will depending if your bot grabs the first set of plants in the last pull. Finally I am wondering if you are able to target the tenders as the cause the stun and they can stack which eventually causes you to die. But awesome awesome work so far man props to you my stats for 7 hours 20 mins 32.4k and 9 deaths