Pretty sure they have patched it, was getting around 4-5k GPH now down to 500 GPH. Not all mobs are dropping loot now. Can anyone else confirm?
The legion harcore does not use death gate at all
after the boss, he is all the time on foot, plz fix it
Try restart wow and make sure it's on hc
i tried the Legion Hardcore Profile with my dk and works fine. The only issue with the Deathgate, he summons it and than he runs line 63 all the time, is looking for the portal but runs away from it. Maybe the x/y coordinates are wrong?
Everbloom Legion Hardcore 1.0What profile?
Is there any way to do an hp check before proceeding to the next pull? sometimes it starts the next pull at 30-50% hp.
Everbloom Legion Hardcore 1.0
yes always!This always happens? If so send log, I've seen no other complaints.
yes always!
before the boss very well, after the boss is always going on foot
lol!And he NEVER mounts up after that?...
every time a drop explodes next to the boss and knocks castes
never?? I asked you if the bot never mounts up again after walking on foot.